Write a Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Importance of Games: Check Samples and Format

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Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Importance of Games 

Games are an important aspect of any individual’s life. They help us get refreshed and also serve as a means of recreation. Be it outdoor games or video games, they all have something unique to offer. In this blog, we are providing you with samples of how to write a letter to your friend telling him the importance of games. You can use these samples to help you ace the letter-writing section of your English exam. After the samples, you will also find the format of the same. 

Sample 1: Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Importance of Games 

24-B,5th Floor,
Parivaar Apartments,
Preet Vihar,

6th May 2023

Dear Gautami, 
I hope that this letter finds you in great spirits. I also doing great. As you know, our exams are finally over. You know how big of a nerd I am and I have a list of games I will play on my beloved PlayStation 4. 

You know, just like outdoor games, video games have a lot of benefits too. They not only act as a means of escape for us but also serve the purpose of recreation. In today’s time, when graphics have become so realistic, it is no surprise that games have become so immersive. Now, they are not just games, but an experiences. You know, playing games helps develop great hand and eye coordination that is of great use in everyday life. 

We also develop our visionary senses because, in a lot of games, the field of view has to be very wide for the movements happening on screen. Especially in the case of FPS games, they help us develop great speed and reflexes too. Games have come a long way from the beginning of their production. Now they truly are being developed to their full potential. 

I would highly recommend you to play some games. I know that you will love it. And if you wish to start playing games, then do let me know, I have some great recommendations for you. We haven’t met in a long time, so when you are free give me a call and we will plan an outing together. Till then, take care. 

Your dear friend, 

Also Read:- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About Your School

Sample 2: Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Importance of Games 

56-C, 5th Floor,
Old Town Colony,
Mayur Vihar Phase I,
Delhi- 110056 

25th November 2023 

Dear Harshit, 

I hope that this letter finds you and your family in great health. I am also doing great. And now, because my exams have recently ended, I have time for myself and you know how big of a nerd I am, so I am going to play my favorite games now. 

The previous week I finally purchased that VR set for my PS4 and along with it, for free, came Resident Evil VII. It is one of the best games ever made in the horror genre. You know, just like outdoor games, VR and video games have a lot of benefits to offer. They are such a great source of recreation. Along with that, they act as a great means of developing hand hand-eye coordination because today’s games demand high-speed reflexes. 

And the storyline of a lot of games is even better than a lot of movies. Developers are really developing games to their full potential now. They have become so immersive that you really do binge gaming too. I have seen a lot of improvement in my visionary senses because of games. Especially E-sports games help in developing great peripheral vision because of the widescreen and various movements. Games are really setting the standard of development now in terms of graphics, storyline, etc.

I would highly recommend that you do some gaming. And there are some titles that I can recommend to you that I know you will love. When you get some free time, let me know, and we will plan to meet because we haven’t met in a long time. Till then, take care of yourself. 

Your dear friend, 

Also Read: Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to a Picnic Party

Format of Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Importance of Games 

Letter to Your Friend Telling Him Importance of Games

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Q.1 What is the importance of games?

A.1 Playing games can significantly improve neural functioning and build problem-solving skills. They help us get refreshed, they act as a recreational purpose too, they help us cope with stress, they are a mode of entertainment, and help us in developing hand-eye coordination. 

Q.2 How to write a letter to your brother telling him about the importance of sports? 

A.2 Politely start the letter then mention the importance of sports. Cover every aspect in detail. Talk about how sports help us remain fit both physically and mentally. After covering the purpose of the letter in its entirety, politely conclude the letter with a “Take care”. 

Q.3 What are some tips for letter-writing to a friend?

A.3 The letter to a friend can be as elaborate as you like it to be. Start it with a polite salutation, then cover the purpose of the letter in its entirety, mention all the details, etc. Then conclude the letter with a “hope to see you soon”, etc. 

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our letter-writing topics and visit Leverage Edu.

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