10 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 5th January, 2025

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word of the day for school assembly

Learning a new word every day comes with its benefits. It not only improves your knowledge but improves your communication skills as well. Thus, you can interact with your classmates confidently. Moreover, a strong vocabulary can help you to think critically. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best words of the day for school assembly. You can get to know its meaning, synonyms, and antonyms, and learn to use them in a sentence.

1. Alacritous

MeaningShowing eagerness, enthusiasm, or readiness to act quickly.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsEager, enthusiastic, prompt
AntonymsReluctant, sluggish, hesitant
Examples1. The students were alacritous to participate in the school clean-up drive.
2. She responded with an alacritous smile when the teacher praised her.
FactThe word “alacritous” comes from the Latin “alacritas,” meaning lively or cheerful.
Books That Start with Alacritous1. Alacritous Adventures by Lucy Benton,
2. Alacritous Explorers by James Parker

2. Fraternity

MeaningA sense of brotherhood or friendly unity among a group of people.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsBrotherhood, camaraderie, fellowship
AntonymsHostility, rivalry, enmity
Examples1. The fraternity among the classmates was evident during the group project.
2. Our school promotes fraternity by celebrating diverse cultures.
FactFraternity is also used in the motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” symbolizing unity in France.
Books That Start with Fraternity1. Fraternity Tales by Robert Manning
2. Fraternity of Friends by Sarah Wilson

3. Vivid

MeaningClear, bright, or detailed in a way that is easy to imagine or see.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsBright, colourful, clear
AntonymsDull, vague, blurry
Examples1. The artist’s painting was full of vivid colors that attracted everyone.
2. The teacher described the story in vivid detail, making it come alive.
Fact1. The artist’s painting was full of vivid colours that attracted everyone.
2. The teacher described the story vividly, making it come alive.
Books That Start with Vivid1. Vivid Dreams by Amanda Clarke,
2. Vivid Journeys by Emma Lee

4. Miscellaneous

MeaningA collection of different things or items that don’t belong to a single category.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsMixed, varied, diverse
AntonymsUniform, similar, consistent
Examples1. The miscellaneous items in the box included toys, books, and stationery.
2. The teacher explained miscellaneous facts about space.
FactThe word “miscellaneous” comes from the Latin “miscere,” which means to mix.
Books That Start with Miscellaneous1. Miscellaneous Tales by Peter James,
2. Miscellaneous Marvels by Lucy Trent

5. Succour

MeaningHelp or assistance given to someone in need.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsHelp, aid, support
AntonymsNeglect, hindrance, obstruction
Examples1. The school organized a charity drive to provide succour to flood victims.
2. Volunteers offered succour to those affected by the earthquake.
FactSuccour has been used in literature, especially in historical contexts, to describe acts of heroism.
Books That Start with Succour1. Succour for All by Emily Harper
2. Succour Tales by John Mason

6. Looming

MeaningAbout to happen or appear, often with a sense of concern or urgency.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsImpending, approaching, threatening
AntonymsDistant, far-off, remote
Examples1. The students were anxious about the looming exams.
2. The dark clouds indicated a looming storm.
FactThe word “looming” originally referred to weaving looms, symbolizing something taking shape.
Books That Start with Looming1. Looming Shadows by Grace Carter,
2. Looming Legends by Anna Wright

7. Repository

MeaningA place where things are stored or kept safe.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsStorage, archive, depository
AntonymsDisarray, chaos, scattering
Examples1. The school library is a repository of knowledge.
2. The museum serves as a repository of history.
FactDigital repositories have made it possible to store vast amounts of information online.
Books That Start with Repository1. Repository of Tales by Chloe Adams
2. Repository of Wonders by Michael Lane

8. Vindictive

MeaningHaving a strong desire to get back at someone or seek revenge.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsRevengeful, resentful, spiteful
AntonymsForgiving, kind, compassionate
Examples1. It’s better to be forgiving than to act in a vindictive way.
2. The story taught us not to be vindictive and to resolve conflicts peacefully.
FactThe word “vindictive” is derived from the Latin word “vindicta,” which means revenge.
Books That Start with Vindictive1. Vindictive Voices by Hannah Green
2. Vindictive Chronicles by David Allen

9. Intervention

MeaningThe act of stepping in to solve a problem or bring about a change.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsMediation, involvement, interference
AntonymsIgnorance, avoidance, neglect
Examples1. The teacher’s timely intervention prevented a fight.
2. The principal praised the intervention of students during the debate.
FactInterventions are often used in health, education, and environmental fields to bring positive changes.
Books That Start with Intervention1. Intervention Insights by Laura Hill,
2. Intervention Mysteries by Paul Carter

10. Therapeutic

MeaningHaving a healing or soothing effect.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsHealing, soothing, restorative
AntonymsHarmful, damaging, painful
Examples1. Painting can be a therapeutic activity for students.
2. Listening to music is therapeutic after a long day.
FactThe term “therapeutic” comes from the Greek word “therapeia,” meaning healing.
Books That Start with Therapeutic1. Therapeutic Tales by Emma Clarke
2. Therapeutic Paths by Richard Thomas

Quote of the Day for School Assembly with Meaning

This quote means that you only learn by making mistakes and correcting them. Those who have never made a mistake or faced failure have never tried anything new. Therefore, it is important to remember that you are bound to make mistakes whenever you try something new. You can eventually learn from it and grow. 

These are the 5 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 5th January 2025. Want to find out new words for each day?  Check out our word of the day page. 

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