NCERT Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 When People Rebel 1857 and After (Free PDF)

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NCERT Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 When People Rebel 1857 and After

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History Chapter 5– “When People Rebel 1857 and After” aims to provide students with insightful solutions. Our subject matter experts have offered simple and accurate answers for the exercises in the history book “Our Pasts III.” 

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History, Chapter 5: ¨When People Rebel 1857 and After¨ are designed in an easy-to-understand manner to help students grasp the topics easily. Students can use these varieties of  NCERT solutions and learn more about these interesting topics comprehensively. 

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Important Questions and Answers in NCERT Class 8 History Chapter 5 ¨When People Rebel 1857 and After¨

Let us look at NCERT Solutions Class 8 History Chapter 5 ¨When People Rebel 1857 and After¨ within the lesson. Our subject experts have answered these questions accurately and as per the latest guidelines of CBSE.

Q1. Why did the rebellion of 1857 break out in India? 
Ans. The rebellion of 1857 broke out in India due to various factors such as discontent among sepoys over new cartridges, resentment towards British policies, and broader social and economic grievances among the Indian populace.

Q2. What were some of the key events that triggered the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. Key events that triggered the rebellion of 1857 included the execution of Mangal Pandey, the refusal of sepoys to use new cartridges suspected of being coated with cow and pig fat, and the dismissal and sentencing of eighty-five sepoys.

Q3. How did the British respond to the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. The British responded to the rebellion of 1857 by deploying reinforcements from England, passing new laws for easier convictions of rebels, and launching military campaigns to suppress the uprising.

Q4. What were some of the significant changes introduced by the British following the rebellion of 1857? 
Ans. Significant changes introduced by the British included the transfer of powers from the East India Company to the British Crown, assurance to ruling chiefs about the non-annexation of territories, reorganization of the army, and policies to respect the religious and social practices of the Indian population. 

Q5. Who were some of the prominent leaders of the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. Prominent leaders of the rebellion of 1857 included Nana Saheb in Kanpur, Birjis Qadr in Lucknow, Rani Lakshmibai in Jhansi, and Tantia Tope in central India.

Q6. What was the outcome of the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. The outcome of the rebellion of 1857 was the suppression of the uprising by the British, followed by significant changes in governance policies and the establishment of direct Crown rule in India.

Q7. How did the British reorganize the army following the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. Following the rebellion of 1857, the British decided to reduce the proportion of Indian soldiers in the army and increase the number of European soldiers. Recruitment also shifted towards Gurkhas, Sikhs, and Pathans.

Q8. What measures did the British take to address the grievances of ruling chiefs after the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. After the rebellion of 1857, the British assured ruling chiefs that their territories would not be annexed in the future and allowed them to pass on their kingdoms to their heirs while acknowledging the British Queen as their Sovereign Paramount. 

Q9. How did the rebellion of 1857 impact the relationship between the British and Muslims in India?
Ans. The rebellion of 1857 led to suspicion and hostility towards Muslims by the British, resulting in large-scale confiscation of their land and property as they were blamed for the rebellion.

Q10. What marked the beginning of a new phase in Indian history after 1857?
Ans. The beginning of a new phase in Indian history after 1857 was marked by significant changes in British governance policies, including direct Crown rule, assurance to ruling chiefs, reorganization of the army, and respect for religious and social practices of the Indian population. 

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Let’s Recall 

Q1. What was the demand of f Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi that was refused by the British?
Ans. The British refused Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi’s demand for the recognition of her adopted son as the heir to the kingdom after her husband’s death.

Q2. What did the British do to protect the interests of those who converted to Christianity?
Ans.  The British allowed those who converted to Christianity to inherit the property of their ancestors, ensuring their interests were protected.

Q3. What objections did the sepoys have to the new cartridges that they were asked to use?
Ans. The sepoys objected to the new cartridges because they suspected they were coated with cow and pig fat, which went against their religious beliefs.

Q4. How did the last Mughal emperor live the last years of his life?
Ans. The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, lived the last years of his life in prison in Rangoon, Myanmar, after being sentenced to life imprisonment by the British.

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Let´s Discuss

Q5. What could be the reasons for the confidence of the British rulers about their position in India before May 1857?
Ans. Before May 1857, the British rulers were confident due to their military superiority, control over key administrative institutions, and belief in their cultural and racial superiority. They also had alliances with some Indian rulers and perceived the Indian population as divided and less likely to unite against them.

Q6. What impact did Bahadur Shah Zafar’s support of the rebellion have on the people and the ruling families?
Ans. Bahadur Shah Zafar’s support of the rebellion boosted morale among the people and ruling families, who saw him as a symbolic leader of the rebellion. His endorsement provided legitimacy to the uprising and inspired others to join the fight against British rule.

Q7. How did the British succeed in securing the submission of the rebel landowners of Awadh?
Ans. The British secured the submission of rebel landowners in Awadh by offering assurances of safety and land rights if they surrendered. They also announced rewards for loyal landholders and deployed military reinforcements to suppress resistance, leading many rebel landowners to submit to British authority.

Q8. In what ways did the British change their policies as a result of the rebellion of 1857?
Ans. As a result of the rebellion of 1857, the British changed their policies by transferring powers from the East India Company to the British Crown, assuring ruling chiefs about the non-annexation of territories, reorganizing the army, and respecting religious and social practices of the Indian population. These reforms aimed to consolidate British control and address grievances among the Indian populace.

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Let’s Do

Q9. . Find out stories and songs remembered by people in your area or your family about San Sattavan ki Ladaai. What memories do people cherish about the great uprising?
Ans. Students are advised to write their personal experiences here. 

Q10. Find out more about Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi. In what ways would she have been an unusual woman for her times? 
Ans. Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi, also known as the “Rani of Jhansi,” was a prominent figure during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the San Sattavan ki Ladaai or the First War of Independence. Here’s some information about her and why she was extraordinary for her times:

1. Military Leadership: Rani Lakshmibai displayed remarkable military leadership during the rebellion. She actively participated in battles and led her troops against the British forces, displaying courage and strategic acumen.

2. Defiance of Gender Norms: In a society where women’s roles were largely confined to domestic spheres, Rani Lakshmibai’s involvement in military and political affairs was highly unusual. She defied traditional gender norms and took on leadership roles typically reserved for men.

3. Commitment to Independence: Rani Lakshmibai’s unwavering commitment to the cause of Indian independence made her stand out. Despite facing significant challenges and the loss of her kingdom, she remained determined to resist British rule and fought valiantly until her death.

4. Symbol of Resistance: Rani Lakshmibai became a symbol of resistance and patriotism during the uprising. Her bravery and sacrifice inspired countless Indians to join the struggle against British colonialism.

While specific stories and songs about Rani Lakshmibai may vary depending on regional and familial traditions, her extraordinary courage and leadership during the uprising have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on Indian history and collective memory.

Breakdown of Class 8 History Chapter 5 ¨When People Rebel 1857 and After¨ 

Here is the summary of the chapter ¨When People Rebel 1857 and After.¨ Students are advised to go through the summary once. 

The chapter ¨When People Rebel 1857 and After¨  talks about the rebellion of 1857 in India against British rule. It started with Indian soldiers in the British army, known as sepoys, who were unhappy with various British policies. The discontent spread to civilians as well, fueled by issues like high taxes, land confiscation, and disrespect toward Indian customs and religions.

The rebellion began in Meerut and quickly spread to other parts of India. Rebels captured Delhi and proclaimed Bahadur Shah Zafar as their leader. However, the British managed to suppress the rebellion after a year of fierce fighting.

Despite the failure of the rebellion, it left a lasting impact on India’s struggle for independence. It united people from different regions and communities against British oppression. The British government realized the need for more careful governance and introduced several changes in administration, including the end of the East India Company’s rule and the transfer of power directly to the British Crown.

The chapter also discusses the impact of the revolt on various sections of society, including peasants, zamindars, artisans, and intellectuals. It highlights how the rebellion inspired future generations of Indians to continue the fight for freedom.

Overall, the rebellion of 1857 marked a significant turning point in India’s history, laying the foundation for the country’s eventual independence from British rule.

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