Top 5 Engaging Moral English Stories For Class 1 

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English stories for Class 1

Moral stories are some of the best ways to help a child have holistic development. They are not only fun to listen to and read, but they also teach the children morals and life lessons that help the development of their personalities. In this blog, we bring you 5 moral English stories for Class 1 that are fun and filled with moral values. These stories will keep kids intrigued and help them learn morals. Let’s explore this blog! 

  1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf 
There once was a boy who grew bored while watching over the village sheep. He wanted to make things more exciting. So, he yelled out that he saw a wolf chasing the sheep. All the villagers came running to drive the wolf away. However, they saw no wolf. The boy was amused, but the villagers were not. They told him not to do it again. Shortly after, he repeated this antic. The villagers came running again, only to find that he was lying. Later that day, the boy really sees a wolf sneaking amongst the flock. He jumped up and called out for help. But no one came this time because they thought he was still joking around. At sunset, the villagers looked for the boy. He had not returned with their sheep. They found him crying. He told them that there really was a wolf, and the entire flock was gone. An old man came to comfort him and told him that nobody would believe a liar, even when they were being honest. 

Moral: Lying breaks trust. 

Also Read: English Poems for Class 4 to Elevate Their Recitation Skills 

  1. The Golden Touch 
The Greek king Midas did a good deed for a Satyr. This prompted Dionysus, the god of wine, to grant him a wish. Midas asked for everything he touched to turn to gold. Dionysus warned him not to do so, but Midas could not be swayed. Midas excitedly started touching everything and turning it into gold. Soon, he became hungry. But he couldn’t eat anything because even his food turned to gold. His beloved daughter saw him in distress and ran to hug him. However, she, too, turned to gold. He realized then that the golden touch was not a blessing. 

Moral: Greed leads to one’s downfall. 

Also Read: Fun and Engaging English Poems for Class 5 

  1. The Fox and the Grapes 
A hungry fox once looked everywhere for food. He couldn’t find anything until he stumbled upon a farmer’s wall. He saw big, purple, juicy grapes. He jumped as high as possible to reach the grapes. No matter how many times he tried, he failed. Finally, he gave up and went home, thinking to himself that the grapes must have been sour anyway. 

Moral: Nothing comes easy; do not hate what you can’t have.
  1. The Proud Rose 
English stories for class 1

Also Read: 5 Best Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers 

  1. The Milkmaid and Her Pail 
Molly, the milkmaid’s job, was to milk the cows and sell the milk at the market. She started thinking about the things she would spend her money on. While walking to the market, she spotted a chicken and thought that she could earn more money by buying a chicken and selling its eggs. She started to think about how jealous she could make the other milkmaid with all the things she could buy with the milk and egg money. She started to skip in excitement, and soon the milk spilled over. She went home with empty pails and no money. Her mother then reminds her that she shouldn’t count her chickens until they hatch. 

Moral: Do not depend on something until you are sure it will happen. 

Related Reads

English Poems for Class 1: Rhymes for Young Minds English Poems for Class 2 to Make Learning Fun and Meaningful English Poems for Class 3 for Holistic Development 
5 Tips to Improve Kid’s Vocabulary Mindfulness for Kids: With 11 Exercises, Importance Top 10 Science Activities for Kids 


Q.1. What is a short story in English class 1? 

Ans: The Fox and the Grapes 
A hungry fox once looked everywhere for food. He couldn’t find anything until he stumbled upon a farmer’s wall. He saw big, purple, juicy grapes. He jumped as high as possible to reach the grapes. No matter how many times he tried, he failed. Finally, he gave up and went home, thinking to himself that the grapes must have been sour anyway.

Q.2. Can 1st graders write stories?

Ans: Yes, first graders can be encouraged to write short stories using simple words.

Q.3. What is the shortest story for kids?

Ans: The Milkmaid and Her Pail 
Molly, the milkmaid’s job, was to milk the cows and sell the milk at the market. She started thinking about the things she would spend her money on. While walking to the market, she spotted a chicken and thought that she could earn more money by buying a chicken and selling its eggs. She started to think about how jealous she could make the other milkmaid with all the things she could buy with the milk and egg money. She started to skip in excitement, and soon the milk spilled over. She went home with empty pails and no money. Her mother then reminds her that she shouldn’t count her chickens until they hatch.

Hope you like the English stories for class 1 that we provided in this blog. For more such kids’ learning material, check out School Education and follow Leverage Edu!! 

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