How to Write 20 in Roman Numerals?

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20 in Roman Numerals

The number 20 is written as XX in Roman numerals. Roman numerals use letters to represent values, and “X” stands for 10. To write 20, you simply combine two “X”s (10 + 10 = 20). This method of repetition follows the Roman numeral rule that allows up to three of the same symbols to be combined. Roman numerals are often used in clock faces, book chapters, and historical contexts, making their understanding essential for students. Let us learn more about 20 in Roman numerals through this blog.

How to Write 20 in Roman Numerals?

The number 20 in Roman numerals is represented as XX. The understanding of Roman numerals is very essential for student’s understanding. There is a table given to show 20 as a Roman numeral.

NumberRoman Numeral

How to Convert XX to Number?

To convert XX from Roman numerals to a number, you simply need to know the value of the Roman numeral XX, which is 20. X in Roman numerals represent 10 and XX represents 2 x 10= 20. 

XX = 20
So, if you see XX in the table, it represents the number 20

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Exercise on 20 in Roman Numerals

Let us practice some questions on Roman Numerals here.

Addition and Subtraction

Add/subtract the following numbers and answer in Roman Numerals

  1. 20 + 20 = ___ 
  2. 35 – 15 = ___ 
  3. 10 + 10 = ___ 
  4. 20 – 8 = ___


  1. XL
  2. XX
  3. XX
  4. XII

Convert to Roman Numerals

Convert the following numbers into Roman numerals:

  1. 25
  2. 29
  3. 20
  4. 22


  1. 25= XXV
  2. 29 = XXIX
  3. 20 = XX
  4. 22 = XXII

Convert to Numbers

Convert the following Roman numerals to numbers:

  1. XXIII
  2. XXVI
  3. XX


  1. XXIII = 23
  2. XXVI = 26
  3. XX = 20
  4. XXVIII = 28

Match the Following

Match the following numbers to Roman numerals:

NumbersRoman Numerals
(i) 24(a) XXVI
(ii) 20(b) XXVII
(iii) 26(c ) XXIV
(iv) 27(d) XX


24 → c) XXIV

20 → d) XX

26 → a) XXVI

27 → b) XXVII

12 in Roman Numerals39 in Roman Numerals 
14 in Roman Numerals45 in Roman Numerals
15 in Roman Numerals49 in Roman Numerals
18 in Roman Numerals60 in Roman Numerals
19 in Roman Numerals99 in Roman Numerals
21 in Roman Numerals100 in Roman Numerals


Q1. What Roman numeral is XX?

Ans: XX = 20

Q2. How do you say 24 in Roman?

Ans: 24 is a Roman numeral in XXIV

Q3. What Roman numeral is XXIX?

Ans: XXIX = 29

Q4. What is 28 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 28 = XXVIII

Q5. What is XXII in number?

Ans: XXII = 22

Q6. Is XXI 22 in Roman numerals?

Ans: No. XXI is 21 and 22 is written as XXII.

Q7. Is 26 an XXV or XXVI?

Ans: 26 is written as XXVI in Roman numerals.

Q8. How is 27 written in Roman?

Ans: 27 is written as XXVII in Roman numerals.

Q9. What does XII, XIV, XVI mean?

Ans: XII = 12; XIV = 14; XVI = 16

Q10. How do you write 21 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 21 in Roman numerals is represented as XXI.

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