The full form of MPSC is Maharashtra Public Service. It is a government of India examination that is being conducted for Group A, B, and C vacancies in the Maharashtra State administration.
It is a body that is established by the Constitution of India under Article 315 to select applicants for civil service jobs in the State of Maharashtra according to their merits and the rules of reservation.
Exams Under MPSC
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The Maharashtra Public Service Commission conducts a plethora of examinations which are similar to the exams that are conducted by UPSC, these exams have the same structure as the UPSC exam consisting of prelims, mains and an interview round that tests the personality of a candidate. A list of exams which are conducted by MPSC are as follows:
- MPSC Rajyaseva Examination
- MPSC Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam
- MPSC Police Sub-Inspector Examination
- MPSC Assist. Engineer (Electrical) Gr-II, Maharashtra Electrical Engg. Services, B – Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Category-2, Maharashtra Electrical Engineering Services, Group-B
- Maharashtra Agricultural Service Examination
- MPSC Sales Tax Inspector Examination
- MPSC Maharashtra Engineering Services Gr-A Examination
- MPSC Clerk Typist Examination
- MPSC Assistant Examination
- MPSC Civil Judge (Jr Div), Judicial Magistrate (Ist Class) Competitive Exam
- MPSC Tax Assistant Examination
- MPSC Maharashtra Forest Services Examination
- MPSC Maharashtra Engineering Services Gr-B Examination
Eligibility For MPSC Exam
There are a number of MPSC eligibility criteria that a candidate who is applying for MPSC should know before they apply for the exam. They should also be aware that they may be rejected at any time if the committee determines the applicant does not match the requirements for the exam.
The exam eligibility criteria are as follows:
- A minimum age of 19 years is mandatory for the candidate to apply for the exam.
- It is mandatory for the candidate to be a citizen of India and to have a relaxation in their eligibility they should be residents of Maharashtra.
- Candidates who have been living in Maharashtra for 10 years or older are eligible for reservations.
- Having a grasp of Marathi, both written and spoken, is a mandatory point while applying for the MPSC exam.
Exam Pattern of MPSC
The commission selects qualified candidates for a variety of Group A and B positions by administering the MPSC Rajyaseva test. The MPSC selection procedure is listed below, with each state’s weighted marks:
- MPSC Prelims Exam: Two papers for 400 marks
- MPSC Mains Exam: Nine papers for 1750 marks
- MPSC Interview: 250 marks
- The MPSC Prelims exam comprises two papers with objective-type questions.
- There will be a negative marking of 1/4 for incorrect answers.
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