25+ Interesting Facts About Hyenas: Scavengers of the Wild

4 minute read

If you enjoyed watching The Lion King, you probably witnessed the strange behaviour of Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, the hyenas. They were Scar’s minions and secondary antagonists. But what if the facts about hyenas reveal that they are different in reality from the movie and an important part of our ecosystem and food web? Hyenas are dog-like carnivores, commonly found in Asia and Africa. They are known for their scavenging habits and excellent hearing. In this blog, you will read 30 interesting facts about hyenas and their habitats, diet, and appearance. Read till the end and see how these facts compare to your imagination about hyenas!

Interesting Facts about Hyenas

1. Hyenas belong to the Hyaenidae family. 

2. Although hyenas resemble some behavioural traits of dogs, they are closer to cats in terms of evolution. 

3. Hyenas live in structured groups known as clans with up to 70 members. 

4. Hyenas communicate through scent marking to define territories and unique vocalizations such as laughing calls. 

facts about hyenas

5. Hyenas can easily fracture bones using their incredibly powerful bite force. They can consume entire carcasses which may help in efficient nutrient absorption.

6. Lions, leopards, and crocodiles are the primary threats to hyenas in the wild. 

7. They live in matriarchal societies in which females hold dominant roles such as hunting and breeding within the group. 

8. Female hyenas give birth to 1-2 cubs a year. As they grow up, males often leave to join a different clan whereas females stay for the rest of their lives. 

9. Hyena cubs are precocial. In simple terms, they are born in a more advanced stage of development than other animals with their eyes open.

10. Hyena cubs are dependent on their mother’s milk for the first six months of their lives. 

11. The longest recorded living spotted hyena in captivity lived to 41 years and 1 month.

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Fun Facts About Hyena Body and Appearance

1. There are four types of hyena species including spotted hyena, brown hyena, striped hyena, and aardwolf hyena. 

2. The spotted hyena is the most common and largest species of hyena.

3. The average lifespan of hyenas is about 12-20 years in the wild.

4. Spotted hyenas are characterised by a sandy ginger-colour coat with black markings on their body and legs. 

facts about hyenas

5. The average weight of female hyenas is about 67 to 75 kg whereas males can weigh 56 to 63 kg.

6. Hyenas have strong long forelegs along with a powerful neck and shoulders. 

7. All hyenas are more or less nocturnal animals.

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Facts About Hyena Habitat

1. They are generally found in African savannas and grasslands. 

2. Hyenas can live in various habitats across Africa and parts of Asia. 

3. Their adaptability helps them survive mountainous regions like the Ethiopian Highlands.

4. They are also found in woodlands and forests. 

5. Over the years, hyenas have been observed in urban areas as well. 

Facts About Hyenas Hunting and Diet

1. Hyenas are skilled hunters and predators. They work together to hunt animals larger than their size. 

2. They have excellent stamina which helps them continue prolonged chases while hunting. 

3. Unlike other predators, hyenas use the strategy of endurance hunting. This involves running after the prey for long durations and distances until the prey becomes exhausted.  

4. They often hunt large and small animals such as buffalo, antelope, zebra, birds, and hares.

5. Hyenas prefer to hunt in groups or scavenge remains left by other predators. Their keen sense of smell helps them find the remains of dead animals. 

6. Their scavenging behaviours help maintain the balance of our ecosystem. They reduce the presence of carrion and prevent the spread of diseases. 

7. Though primarily carnivores, hyenas have been known to eat a variety of fruits and vegetation. 

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What are 5 interesting facts about hyenas?

5 interesting facts about hyenas are that they are carnivores animals, they live in clans, they are excellent predators and scavengers, they have excellent stamina for hunting, and lastly, they live in matriarchal societies. 

Why are hyenas so unique?

Hyenas are unique as although they resemble the behaviour of dogs to some extent, they are closer to cats in terms of evolution. Moreover, they belong to the Hyaenidae family. 

What are hyenas famous for?

Hyenas are famous for their scavenging skills. Their keen sense of smell helps locate the dead remains and carcasses. 

Hope you had fun reading all the interesting facts about hyenas. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our Interesting Facts and General Knowledge page!

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