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Xidian University

Xian, China

Public -1931


Male : Female

Xidian University is a public research University, funded by the Ministry of Education of the government of China. It was established in the year 1921 and is famous for Liberal Arts and economics courses. The university is spread across 667 acres of land comprising of more than 200 buildings designated for the various faculties namely, School of Telecommunications Engineering, School of Electronic Engineering, School of Mechano-electronic Engineering, School of Microelectronics, School of Economics and Management, School of Humanities and Arts, School of Foreign Languages. The university has 500 million dollar endowment value, which has been cultivated through donations from the government as well as private sources over a period of time. The university comprises of 18,000 students pursuing various undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses. It has a total teachers strength of around 900. This makes the students to teacher ratio at the University of good 20:1.
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