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University Rey Juan Carlos

Madrid, Spain

Public -1996

Established in 1996, the University Rey Juan Carlos is a renowned Spanish research and educational institution situated in Madrid. It is spread across five campuses in the northern region of Spain, namely Móstoles, Alcorcón, Vicálvaro, Aranjuez and Fuenlabrada. The university got its name after Spanish King Juan Carlos I and believes in the motto of “Non nova, sed nove” which means “Not new things, but in a new way”. It was founded by the government of the Community of Madrid and is the second-newest institution in the community. Further, the university has a student population of 44,916 and is renowned to be the second-biggest public institution in the community. The university provides a plethora of degree programs that have been adopted as per the European Higher Education standards. It offers a total of 64 bachelor’s degrees, 44 integrated degrees, 6 English-medium degrees as well as 8 Engineering degree programs. Further, King Juan Carlos University provides students with a wide range of specialised courses in the field of Health Science and Communication Sciences, amongst others. The university has also established a plethora of academic across the country and has two affiliated colleges, namely, Institute of Commercial Management and Marketing in Somosaguas as well as ESERP School.
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