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University of Wuppertal

Wuppertal, Germany

Public -1972

Founded in 1972, the University of Wuppertal (UW) is a newly established research institute in the beautiful city of Wuppertal, Germany. The objective of The University of Wuppertal is academic excellence in every profession and the constant development of the professional and practical interface. It is a vibrant university with an interdisciplinary education and research profile. The University of Wuppertal is especially strong in the fields of business and marketing programs, which provide new and young entrepreneurs with an opening to enter the business world. The University of Wuppertal has maintained a high reputation among German universities for many years. The University of Wuppertal hosts around 13,000 students from nearly 100 countries, supported by more than 300 lecturers and higher education experts. The University of Wuppertal also has a strong network of international organizations with whom it collaborates closely. The number of global innovative research collaborations and the number of international student exchange programs is growing rapidly. The university assures interdisciplinary interest of students in various extra-curricular activities to promote their aptitudes, skills and develop team spirit. It gives various opportunities for students to have practical experiences and skills that are very useful for professional life. The University of Wuppertal conducts international research in different areas. Moreover, in addition to its extensive range of educational subjects, it also provides a highly diversified research landscape in a variety of fields.
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