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University of Western Ontario

Ontario, Canada

Public -1878

Established in 1878, the University of Western Ontario is an ancient, non-private research-intensive institution situated in the beautiful city of Ontario, Canada. It is ranked among the top universities of the country and is spread across an area of 481.2 hectares featuring modern infrastructure. The numerous faculties and colleges of Western University include Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies, Faculty of Engineering, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Science, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Information & Media Science, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Faculty of Education and Ivey Business School. University of Western Ontario is a research-oriented institution and has also collaborated with various universities and research institutions to incorporate research programs. It has carried out research in various sectors which includes Science, Neuroscience, Musculoskeletal Health, Child and Youth Development, Materials and Biomaterials, Environmental Sustainability and Green Energy, Imaging, Wind Engineering and Natural Disaster Mitigation, Global Health Equity and Social Innovation, Planetary Science, amongst others. University of Western Ontario offers a dynamic and healthy atmosphere for its students. There are wellness centres, clubs, sports courts, cafeterias, auditoriums and theatres, fitness and eateries on the premises. Additionally, the university also offers skill advancement programs and provides career counselling to help students figure out their career ambitions and goals.
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