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University of Valladolid

Valladolid, Spain

Public -1241


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Established in the 13th century, the University of Valladolid is a historic higher education institution situated in the northwestern region of Spain. In terms of the student population, it is referred to as one of the largest universities in the autonomous regions of Castilla and Leon. The university campus houses several architectural marvels, including the 15th-century renaissance era Santa Cruz Palace and a remarkable 18th century-old library. The city of Valladolid has also been home to extraordinary authors like Miguel de Cervantes, Jose Zorrilla and Rosa Chacel amongst others. It is one of the few universities which have been successful in finding the right balance between traditional values and modernity. Founded, at first, with a focus on Liberal Arts and Theology, it gradually expanded towards study and practice of Science, Medicine, Economics, Business Administration, Engineering and Education. It now boasts of four campuses spread out in the cities of Valladolid, Palencia, Soria and Segovia and the university has been internationally recognised for its focus on creating environmentally sustainable campuses. As part of its efforts towards attracting students from all corners of the world, it has also helped foster the growth of a multi-ethnic community, constructed eye-catching sports facilities and offers awarded courses with much sought-after research inclinations.
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