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University of Tulsa

Tulsa, United States

Private -1894

The University of Tulsa is a coeducational private university traditionally known for technical programs in fields like geosciences, energy and engineering. The University was founded in 1894 and was known as the Hendry Kendall College back then. It was built in Muskogee, present day Oklahoma and is a nondenominational university. It replaced the Presbyterian School for Indian girls, founded in 1882. However, financial troubles forced the school to move to Tulsa in 1907. After the move, it was recognised as the official University of Tulsa in 1920. The different divisions of the university were set up as follows: The Petroleum Engineering division was founded in 1928. The College of Business Administration was set up in 1935. The Tulsa Law School was established in 1923 but incorporated into the University of Tulsa in 1943. The average class size at the University of Tulsa is 20 students and the male to female undergraduate student percentages are 56% male and 44% female. There are numerous scholarships awarded to financially challenged students and these students form about 94% of the total student population. The university is nicknamed the Golden Hurricane.
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