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University of Minho

Braga, Portugal

Public -1973


Male : Female

The University of Minho was established in 1973 but began officially in 1975. The university is spread across 3 campuses and offers a varied range of undergraduate, graduate and PhD level courses. There are a total of 10 schools at the university comprising of the schools of Architecture, Sciences, Health Sciences, Law, Economics and Management, Engineering, Psychology, Nursing, and the Institutes of Social Sciences, Education and Arts and Human Sciences. Apart from these, the University of Minho also has two other institutes associated with it. The student population is 19,077 out of which 4,846 are Masters’ students, 1,450 are PhD students and 12,781 are pursuing an integrated graduate and postgraduate programs. Apart from this, there are 75 PhD research scholars pursuing research work at the university. Being an internationally acclaimed university in the field of research, the university sends a total of 30 applications annually for various patents. The extremely well-equipped campus hosts 8 libraries, 1 technology and science park and has 1,284 faculty members. It is regarded as one of the prestigious higher education institutions in Portugal.
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