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University of Eastern Finland

Joensuu, Finland

Private -2010


Male : Female

The University of Eastern Finland was formed in 2010 after the consolidation of two independent universities, the University of Joensuu and the University of Kuopio. UEF is a significant study destination for students across the world because the university aims to promote student wellbeing and high-standards of teaching. It offers academic faculties in Health Science, Science and Forestry, Social Science and Business Studies and Philosophy teaching in nearly 100 major subjects and degree programmes. The university provides undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level courses in 13 fields of study with its curriculum based on innovative teaching methods with the latest research, diverse study opportunities and a flexible learning environment. Students at UEF engage in close connection with various research institutions, industries, businesses while promoting the development of business activities in Eastern Finland. Moreover, the university has various attractive scholarship schemes for international students considering internationalisation as one of the foundations of its activities. Being one of the largest universities of Finland, UEF offers major research specialisation in the following disciplines: Digitalisation in Society Ageing, Health and Lifestyle Cultural Encounters and Mobilities Natural Resources and Environmental Change
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