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Northern Kentucky University

Highland Heights, United States

Public -1968

Situated in Highland Heights of Kentucky in the United States, Northern Kentucky University (NKU) is a suburban public university which was founded in the year 1968. US News and World Report Best Colleges in the US Rankings 2020 placed the university in its 293-381 bracket. It is the third-largest university after University of Cincinnati and Miami University and witnesses an annual student enrollment of more than 14000 students of which undergraduate enrollment accounts for 12000 places. Nicknamed as “Norse”, NKU holds wide international appeal attracting students from more than 55 countries including India, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, China, Ethiopia amongst others. Northern Kentucky University colleges span disciplines of arts and sciences, business, education and human services, informatics, health professions and law. Further, close to 96 percent of admitted students receive an average financial aid of $ 8,295. George Clooney, Tom Luken, Jeff Waltz, Adam Gregory and Steve Chabot are some of the most notable alumni of Northern Kentucky University.
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