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Ningbo University

Ningbo, China

Public -6300

Ningbo University is located in the district named Jiangbei, China. It is one of the key Universities in Zhenjiang Province. It is a Government-funded University with Double First-Class discipline status. Keeping in mind the education of local citizens, This University was started in 1996. Yue-Kong Pao donated large amounts of funds to construct this University. In 1996, the existing Ningbo college was merged into this University. It is a public University with around 2,300 academic staff and around 25000 students strength. The campus area is about 5.3 Sq Km. Ningbo University got various rankings in various fields. It stood 76th out of 192 Universities in “China University Evaluation and Rankings”. The Faculty of Education of this University got a ranking of 26th in China. Also, the faculty of sciences ranked 96th and Faculty of Engineering ranked 87th in China. The campus resides on the riverbank which gives enough space for students to study and research with an excellent atmosphere. The buildings are magnificent and the spellbound beauty of the campus allows a student to study as well as explore nature. Ningbo University maintains close relationships with various top-class Universities in over 40 countries, including Canada, Germany, France, UK, Australia, and Japan.
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