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Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Nanjing Jiangsu, China

Public -2004

Founded in 1953, Nanjing University of Science and Technology is a non-profit national higher education located in the city of Nanjing Jiangsu. The university is spread across 2,078,667 square meters of land. Nanjing University of Science and Technology was established with a mission to focus on bringing the tech organizations in contact with the students and work with them jointly. Nanjing University is home to 13 colleges and schools and offers 24 bachelors, 19 masters degree program, and 12 doctoral programs across various scientific and engineering subjects. The university has around 23,867 students pursuing various courses. The subjects offered at Nanjing University of Science and Technology includes Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electric Engineering and Optoelectronic Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Automation, Power Engineering, Economics and Management, Science, Humanities and Social Science, Material Science and Engineering, Environmental and Biological Engineering, Foreign Studies, Design Art Media, Intellectual Property, Marxism Studies. The campus itself is a combination of historic and modern architecture. It has a comprehensive facilities of accommodation service system, a diversity of teaching and research apparatus, a library with 2.2 million books, 59 labs,and 2 stadiums. Seminars and orientation programs are organized to welcome foreign students and assisting them to adapt into a new culture.
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