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Middle Tennessee State University

Murfreesboro, United States

Public -1911

48 : 52

Male : Female

Established in the year 1911, The Middle Tennessee State University is a public-funded university situated in the city of Murfreesboro. MTSU currently houses more than 20,000 students who are enrolled in 8 undergraduate, and graduate degree programs in various disciplines. Some of the best-known courses of the university are in the fields of Aerospace, Concrete Industry, Management, Music, and Recording. The university is known for its research centers in the fields of Historic Preservation, Chinese Music and Culture, Business and Economics, Organizational and Human Resource Effectiveness, and Data Science amongst others. Built on a sprawling 466 acres of land, the university houses department buildings, residences, and apartment complexes. Beyond classrooms, the university offers more than 300 clubs and organizations, mass media outlets, and recreational activities. Albert Gore Sr.(Politician), James M. Buchanan (Nobel Prize winner in economics), and Seth Christian(Film director) are some of the noted alumni of the university.
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