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Middle East Technical University

Ankara, Turkey

Public -1956


International Student Rate


Male : Female

Middle East Technical University is a government technical university stationed in the capital city of Turkey-Ankara. The school is famous for Research and development in the field of Engineering and Sciences offering around 40 UG programs and 97 Post Graduation and Doctoral degrees. The principal campus of METU traverses an area of 11,100 acres, containing, in addition to academic and auxiliary facilities, a jungle area of 7,500 acres, and the natural pool Emir. English is the official language of instruction at METU. Over one-third of the first 1000 ranked students choose to study at METU and most of its departments admit only the top 0.1% of the nearly 1.5 million candidates.METU had the largest share in national research funding by the STRCT in the past five years, and it is the biggest university in Turkey in terms of the count of the European Union Framework Program project participation. Over 40% of the students who pursue an Undergraduate program at METU choose to study Graduation. METU was established in 1956, to provide to the growth of Turkey and the surrounding countries of the Middle East by producing an experienced workforce in the natural and social sciences. Various faculties and departments at the university are- Department of Architecture Department of Art and Sciences Department of Economic and Administrative sciences. Faculty of Education. Faculty of Engineering. The Graduate schools at this University are- Graduate School of Applied Mathematics School of Informatics School of Marine Sciences School of Natural and Applied Sciences School of Social sciences
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