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Istanbul Technical University

Istanbul, Turkey

Public -1773


International Student Rate

Istanbul Technical University is an international educational institute situated in the city of Istanbul, Turkey. The university was founded in the year 1773 by Sultan Mufasa as the Imperial School of Naval Engineering. It is the third oldest technical university in the world. The university is known for its Engineering Sciences and Social Sciences degree programs. Over the years, its curriculum has strengthened from the training of military staff to architects in the 19th century and civil engineers in the 20th century. The university comprises 13 departments including Aeronautics and Astronautics, Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. These departments offer an array of undergraduate and graduate degree programs across 40 subjects. The university also offers intensive research centers that are dedicated to Molecular Biology, Genetics Research, Biotechnology, Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing and many other fields. More than 20 programs of Istanbul Technical University are accredited by the ABET which also offers opportunities for students to study abroad. The university has an international graduate exchange programs which allow students to earn dual diplomas at American institutions partnered with the Istanbul Technical University.
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