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Dartmouth College

New Hampshire, United States

Private | Estd. 1769

Fall and Spring



Student: Teacher Ratio


Male: Female Ratio

Fall and Spring


History, Affiliations and Rankings

Dartmouth, founded in 1769 by Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, is the country's ninth-oldest institution. It is a private, 4-year, coeducational undergraduate institution in the Ivy League with graduate schools of Business, Engineering, and Medicine, as well as 16 graduate programmes in the Arts and Sciences. The college is affiliated with the University of the Arctic, Matariki Network of Universities, 568 Group, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), University Press of New England (UPNE), Association of American Universities (AAU) and Space-Grant. According to the ranking list released by the Times Higher Education, Dartmouth College is ranked at #99th World University Rankings 2022, at #13th in the US College Rankings 2022 and between #151-175th in the World Reputation Rankings 2021. The University is positioned at #191 (tie) in the QS World University Ranking, at #66 in the QS WUR Ranking by subject and between #161-170 in the category of Graduate Employability. 

Infrastructure, Campuses and Courses

Dartmouth's 269-acre (109-hectares) main campus is located in the rural Upper Valley region of New England, on a terrace above the Connecticut River. The university operates on a quarter system, with four ten-week academic sessions running year-round. Dartmouth is renowned for its undergraduate intake, significant Greek culture, and long-standing campus traditions. The college offers various undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Graduate programs are offered by the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies along with professional programs at the Geisel School of Medicine, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business, and joint- and dual-degree programs between the schools.

Accomplishments and Alumni 

Dartmouth College was the first national research university to award more bachelor's degrees in engineering to women than men. In 2018, the race car design competition was awarded one of the most coveted prizes in engineering education, the ABET Innovation Award. Each year the farm grows more than 2000 pounds of diverse, fresh, tasty, organic produce, adding to the success of Dartmouth's Organic Farm. Thayer’s Fossum of the College won the 2017 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering for his invention of the CMOS image sensor, which revolutionised digital imaging. College and its alumni have a long record of accomplishments. Some of the notable alumni are Dr Seuss, an American author, Mindy Kaling, an American actress and Daniel Webster, a former United States Secretary of State.

Student Diversity and Visiting Companies

The college has a total enrollment of 6,444 students, out of which 977 are international students. There are 32% PG students and 68% UG students in the community. It has a total faculty of 836, out of which 806 are domestic members and the rest are international staff. The College has a Student Employment Department which helps students gain practical employment experience and develop transferable skills, build a stronger connection to the campus and community, learn from mentors and role models, develop time management and organisational skills, grow a professional network and cultivate potential future references and earn income to help with educational and living expenses.

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International Students %


Browse Courses

BA in Computer Science

USD 60,306/year


48 Months





Course level

On Campus

Mode of Degree

Jan, Mar, Sep


McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University offers an undergraduate program in Business Administration which enables students to practically apply their theoretical knowledge to realistic scenarios. It provides them with hands-on experience in several fields before they even graduate. This program is also for the students who want a rational understanding of business management and are pursuing majors in some other discipline. Several majors options are available- Accounting, Finance, International Political Economy and Business, International Business Regional Studies, Management, Leadership, and Innovation, Marketing and Operations and Information Management.
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MBA in Business AdministrationManagement

USD 65,268/year


24 Months





Course level

On Campus

Mode of Degree

Jan, Mar, Sep


This course by Dartmouth College will take you through all the core insights of the field. Along with theoretical concepts, you will gain hands-on-learning experience throughout the span of the program.
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MSc in Computer Science

USD 60,306/year


24 Months





Course level

On Campus

Mode of Degree

Jan, Mar, Sep


This course by Dartmouth College will take you through all the core insights of the field. Along with theoretical concepts, you will gain hands-on-learning experience throughout the span of the program.
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MEng in Biomedical Engineering

USD 59,395/year


9 Months





Course level

On Campus

Mode of Degree

Jan, Mar, Sep


This course by Dartmouth College will take you through all the core insights of the field. Along with theoretical concepts, you will gain hands-on-learning experience throughout the span of the program.
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