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Confederation College

Thunder Bay, Canada

Public -1967

January and May



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History, Affiliations and Rankings

Confederation College began as a trade school in 1967, while Ontario's college system was being established. From March 6, 1967, through 1974, Air Vice Marshal (ret.) Douglas Bradshaw served as the first president of Confederation College. In 2013, the Confederation College received the MarCom Platinum Award for its strategic plan, the MarCom Gold Award for its recruitment viewbook, and the Bronze Medallion Merit Award for its government/community relations award.

The following are the rankings earned by Confederation College in comparison to other Canadian colleges: Confederation College is rated 8704th in the world according to webometrics 2021. In addition, it is ranked 2142nd on the continent and 122nd in the country of Canada. In addition, the college rose to the top of the "It's about respect" campaign. 

Infrastructure, Campuses and Courses

The college's main campus, set on 130 acres of park-like terrain in Thunder Bay, Ontario, is the college's main campus. Beautiful gardens, a river, and a network of walking pathways may be found here. It houses the college's School of Aviation as well as the headquarters of the Student Union. In addition, Dryden, Marathon, Sioux Lookout, Fort Frances, Kenora, Red Lake, Geraldton, and Wawa all have Confederation College of Canada regional campuses. These university campuses provide a diverse range of degrees in business, engineering, health, and a variety of other fields.

Around 58 full-time programmes, as well as part-time credit and non-credit courses, pre-employment and skills training programmes, business and industry specialization programmes, apprenticeship programmes, and cooperative and workplace training programmes, are available at the institution.

Accomplishments and Alumni 

Confederation College joined the Canadian Bureau for International Education's (CBIE) Learning Beyond Borders project in 2017, which aims to encourage more Canadian students to participate in international learning opportunities.

Confederation College has received numerous awards for outstanding achievements in a variety of fields, including the MarCom Platinum Award for the Confederation College Strategic Plan 2013-2016, the MarCom Gold Award for the Confederation College 2014/15 Recruitment Viewbook, and the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations-Bronze Medallion of Merit Award for Government Relations or Community Relations Project-Confederation College's Strategic Plan 2013-201.

More than 100,000 graduates from all across the world make up the Confederation Alumni Community. Al Bourbouhakis, the founder of Heartbeat Hot Sauce, Tony Martin, a member of the House of Commons, Trent Opaloch, a cinematographer, Norm Foster, a Canadian playwright, and many others are among the notable graduates.

Student Diversity and Visiting Companies

As of the 2019-20 autumn admission, it has over 3200 full-time students enrolled, including over 1000 foreign students from more than 60 countries. Confederation College's student body includes a large number of foreign and indigenous students.

Confederation College unveiled its new Diversity, Equity, and Indigenous Lens, which is a tool that will assist in ensuring that the Confederation's policies, programmes, and procedures are free of components that consciously or mistakenly facilitate Indigenous peoples' exclusion.

Confederation Institution, as the sole public college in Northwestern Ontario, has a strong employer reputation. It has an 87% employment rate and a 93% employer satisfaction rating, as well as excellent graduate earnings. Walmart, Bombardier, the City of Thunder Bay, and Air Canada are among the top employers.

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