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Chungnam National University

Daejeon, Korea South

Public -1952


Male : Female

Practising a motto of ‘Creativity, Development and Service to the Community, Chungnam National University is a modern-age institution with a multidimensional approach to student and research development. The university is situated in the pleasant region of Daejeon in South Korea which functions as a hub for all the nearby regions. Chungnam National University has been ranked 26th amongst the best universities in South Korea by QS Rankings, 2020 edition. The university has a total enrollment of close to 30,000 students with a little less than 1,000 of them being international students. It has 16 undergraduate colleges including but not limited to school of natural sciences, humanities, economics and management, engineering, agriculture and life sciences, pharmacy, medicine,education and liberal arts amongst others. It has 5 specialized graduate schools which harbours the schools of law, energy science and medicine and three more and 8 professional graduate schools including but not limited to peace and security studies, public health, education and five more. The university also offers facilities of Daedeok Research Complex and Sejong Special Self Governing City in convenient regions around the campus area. Chungnam National University is a prestigious member of the Korea National University 10 of whose other members include Seoul National University, Busan National University and Chungbuk National University.
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