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Sheridan College Davis

Brampton, Canada

Public -1967


Male : Female

Sheridan College has three campuses situated in Davis, Trafalgar and Hazel Macmillan. Out of a total of 26,800 students pursuing a varied range of full-time and part-time programmes, the main Davis campus hosts around 13,300 students and is considered as the largest campus amongst the three. Further, the college hosts another 16,950 students pursuing continuing and professional courses. As a measure of its international reach, the Sheridan College - Davis experiences enrollment of more than 6,800 international students who belong to over 80 nationalities. To cater to the myriad needs of this vast student community, the college a teaching faculty of 3,700 full-time and part-time professors, researchers and support staff. The college offers programs in five specialised faculties, i.e. the Faculty of Animation, Arts and Design, Pilon School of Business, Applied Science and Technology, Applied Health, Community Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition to the above, the departments of continuing and professional studies are also included. The Davis Campus hosts all but four of the above faculties excluding the Faculty of Animation, Arts and Design. The programs related to Engineering and Technology, Applied Health and Community Services etc are offered on this campus. It also boasts of modern research centres in disciplines of Music, Mobile Innovation, Manufacturing etc.
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