
TOEFL Writing Topic: Children should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major in college.

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Children should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major in college.

Q- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should consult with their parents when they are choosing a major in college. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

Ans: Parents, as the cliché goes, are the best teachers. They are there to guide you through every phase of your life. That being said, I feel that children should consult with their parents before making the vital decision of selecting a college degree, as parents have a far better understanding of life owing to their experience than their progeny. 


Selecting a college major is one of the most crucial turning points in one’s life as it can shape their entire future. Therefore, parents are the ones who should provide guidance to their children at such a point in their life. Children frequently rebel against their parents’ desires and pursue what they think to be the best path for them.  I’ve seen it work, but only in a few instances. Most young people who rebel and go their own way end up regretting their actions for the rest of their lives. This is due to the fact that youngsters simply lack the life experience their parents have. Parents, without a doubt, know what is best for their children and can better guide them to a brighter future. 

I believe that youngsters frequently undermine the value of parental advice. They believe they know what is best for them, which they definitely do, but owing to their lack of experience, they are unable to consider the big picture and the reality of their proposal. For example, I recall having to choose a major for college. I had planned to take a different course from the one I ended up taking. My father, who knows my interests and strengths better than I do, advised me to take a different path at the time. 

In hindsight, now that I am working in the professional sphere, I’ve realised that if I had picked the major of my choice on that day, I would have fervently regretted it afterwards since the path of my choice didn’t have many future horizons. On the other side, the route my father guided me down is a far more lucrative and secure one, where I can be confident in the security of my career without worrying about losing jobs or not finding any at all. Of course, now that I’ve established myself and laid a consolidated foundation for myself, I am in a position where I can take risks based on my own desires. 

Due to the fact that a majority of households in India belong to the Middle class and Upper Middle-Class categories, one cannot simply just take the chances of risking their future on the basis of their whims. This is why Indian parents have to make their children understand the reality of the situation and guide them to pave their own way towards a prosperous path. 

In conclusion, yes, parents should have a say in their children’s decision to select their career, but they should also be empathetic enough to make their decisions while keeping their children’s interests and strengths in mind and making the most feasible decision. If a child does not want to pursue a course, it is the parent’s responsibility to help him/her choose an alternate path that is both lucrative and aligns well with the child’s interests.

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