
The Challenges of Studying Abroad and How to Overcome Them

4 minute read

Studying abroad is considered to be a wonderful and life-changing experience, which offers numerous benefits like opportunities to learn different cultures and languages, personal growth, exposure to different lifestyles and academic opportunities. These are the positive aspects of studying abroad. There are various challenges while studying abroad. Students who are passionate about pursuing their higher education from universities abroad must prepare themselves both mentally and physically to deal with any and every kind of challenge. In this article, we are going to provide you with some of the best tips to deal with the challenges of studying abroad and how to overcome them.


Common Challenges of Studying Abroad and How to Overcome Them

Below we have discussed some of the challenges of studying abroad and how to overcome them.


It’s very challenging to stay away from family, friends and familiar environments. Students who study abroad often struggle with homesickness, affecting their mental health and academic performance.

Feeling homesick is absolutely normal, as everybody goes through this phase. It takes some time to adapt to new surroundings. You need to look on the brighter side, which is that you are getting an opportunity to study abroad and meet new people. To overcome homesickness, you can plan outside activities similar to your native country, go home on vacations and then slowly give yourself time to acclimatise to the new environment.

Language Barriers

One of the main reasons for studying in a different location is to learn a new language. However, this can present some initial challenges when you find it difficult to learn and communicate in a language you don’t understand.

Fortunately, many learning institutes make it easy for overseas students by having learning platforms like Teach ‘n Go with multiple languages. As a result, students can learn in the language that’s most familiar to them. Students can also brush up on their basic language skills and take proficiency tests before they set off to a new country to make communicating easier upon arrival.

Culture Shock

Adapting to a new culture can be challenging. Students may experience culture shock, which can include feelings of confusion, frustration, and even anger. To deal with this you can get involved in some aspects of the new culture, Make friends and develop relationships, Learn the rules of living in your host country, and accept the fact that these impacts exist and it’s normal.

Academic Challenges

Different education systems, teaching styles, and grading systems can make it challenging for students to adjust to studying abroad. Students may need to work harder to keep up with coursework and achieve good grades. To meet your academic challenges, you can talk to your professors, classmates, colleagues, or any other person who has been through the same experience.

Financial Strain

Living and studying abroad can be expensive, and some students may struggle to pay for tuition, housing, and other expenses. This financial strain can cause stress and anxiety.

To improve your financial situation, you can search for a part-time job in your vicinity, plan a budget, stop taking on debt, consult an advisor about your financial status, lower your expenses, etc.

Safety Concerns

Living in a foreign country may present safety concerns, such as crime or natural disasters. Students may need to take extra precautions to stay safe. If you face any safety concerns, you can seek out allies, carry out risk assessments, implement a health and risk policy, be proactive and cooperative, understand your rights, research before complaining, etc.


What issues do Indian students face abroad?

Indian students face a lot of racism, and accommodation issues while studying abroad. The government is working on how to deal with problems like these so that students can focus on their academics.

How to deal with problems while studying abroad?

Studying in a foreign country brings new challenges, and to deal with them you need to act smartly. The language barrier is one of the most common problems faced by students while studying abroad. You need to learn and understand the native language properly if you want to survive in a foreign country.

Is studying abroad safe?

When compared with Asian countries like India, studying abroad is comparatively safer. You won’t have to worry about petty crimes and thugs, severe weather and natural calamities, medical events or any accidents.

It’s important for students to consider these potential challenges and to prepare themselves as much as possible before studying abroad. This can include researching the culture and language of the host country, setting a budget, and developing a support system.

For more information about studying abroad, visit the official website of Leverage Edu, and make sure to follow our social media handles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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