
Study in UK: University of the West of England Make AI Classrooms a Reality

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Study Abroad: AI in Education is a Boon for Universities

While the world is still contemplating whether AI can be used in classrooms, the University of the West of England, Bristol is already on the move. They have devised a four-step process to integrate generative AI in learning and teaching.


These four steps are also a checklist for university teachers to ensure the ethical use of AI tools in classrooms. A powerful tool such as generative AI can be used to smoothen the deep learning process in university classrooms. 

The key challenge for the use of AI tools towards academic integrity still remains a key concern for the university. Nonetheless, these four steps are expected to reduce such risks. Here is the four-step checklist to use generative AI in the classroom. 

Using Tools of Artificial Intelligence for Inclusive, Interactive, Personalised Learning

Through its language interpretation, AI can make classrooms more interactive. The engagement is increased with repetitive interaction features as it helps in retention. It can also help students explore their intellectual independence by comparing their answers with AI-generated responses. It can also do so by promoting personalised and contextualised learning. 

Evaluating the Accuracy and Evidence of Information From AI Content

Students will be taught in class what their over-reliance on AI-generated content can lead to. They will experience the limitations of AI-generated content when it comes to sourcing information. The reliance on the web doesn’t ensure accuracy as there are multiple sources to grab information from and they are not always reliant. The problems arise especially when the content is not in English. 

Creating Counter Arguments to Improve Judgements

In this scenario, students are expected to give prompts to an AI tool based on all the information they have and ask the tool to provide counterarguments. They will be able to craft their judgement better in this way. Students will not only have different perspectives but also the drawbacks or loopholes in their arguments and improve them with personalised discussion. 

The Hierarchical Learning of What, How and Why?

Here the AI tools can be used as an additional tool to study. For example, before starting a topic in class, students can research ‘What’ the topic is about before coming to the class. This will help them get an overview of what they are going to learn. After the lecture is over, they can ponder ‘How’ these things happened and delve deeper into the details of the topics. Finally comes the ‘Why’ when one tries to apply their own knowledge and contemplation to the topic. 

This is just the first step towards transforming the learning experience. If you want to read more such exciting information, make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates. 

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