
Study Abroad: St John’s College Residence for January Intake Are Now Open! 

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Study Abroad: St John’s College Residence for January Intake Are Now Open!

The University of Manitoba has opened doors for on-campus accommodation applications for international students for 2024. The residence right now is open for available rooms at the St. John’s College residence for the January and Summer intake of 2024. 


Students from various countries like Malaysia, India, Africa, and many diverse locations and backgrounds live on this university campus each year. The residence offers various facilities and a 24-hour student support system for the diverse student culture.

Study Abroad: St John’s College Residence for January Intake Are Now Open!
Source: University of Manitoba

Facilities at St. John’s College Residence

St. John’s College residence is a small community of students with 100 beds. Despite the small size of the group, the community organise various activities and events for the students. Also, there are areas for gaming and lounging to deepen your friendships at the campus.

The student accommodation offers fully furnished rooms, with separate study areas and various other facilities. Furthermore, there is a combined study space and a cafeteria to share your food and stories with one another. 

Study Abroad: St John’s College Residence for January Intake Are Now Open!
Source: University of Manitoba

Is It Better To Go For On-Campus Accommodation?

The benefits are pretty straightforward, students get assured safety, a 24/7 university culture and easy access to university resources. However, on-campus accommodation might become a bit restrictive if you also want to explore around.

Moreover, part-time jobs off-campus are easier to choose without the regulations of university accommodations. On the other hand, university accommodations can be a safe zone if you have a scholarship or on-campus part-time work opportunities. 

Therefore, whether on-campus accommodation is right for you or not completely depends on whether you are seeking an adventurous or explorative journey or a dedicated academic journey while studying abroad. 

Study Abroad: St John’s College Residence for January Intake Are Now Open!

Nevertheless, if you are planning to study abroad, you must be aware of how essential it is to book your accommodation on time. Most universities and PBSAs are opening their applications for the January and Summer intake. 

So whatever is your choice, it is time to act on it. Also, as pre-bookings and early bird offers are also available students should hurry up to grab their beds! Let us know if you want any assistance in finding student accommodation abroad. If you want to read more such exciting information, make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates. 

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