
Study Abroad: Review of School Performance Metric Based on Russell Group Entry “Long Overdue”

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Study Abroad: Review of School Performance Metric Based on Russell Group Entry "Long Overdue"

The government is considering whether to continue using the number of students entering Russell Group universities as a measure of school performance. This move has been welcomed by education leaders who believe the current system is flawed.


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What is the Russell Group?

The Russell Group is a self-selecting group of 24 research-intensive universities in the UK. These universities are often seen as the most prestigious in the country, and entry to them is highly competitive.

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Why is the metric being reviewed?

The government is reviewing the metric because some argue that it:

  • Reinforces the view that only Russell Group universities are good. This can disadvantage other universities that may be a better fit for certain students.
  • Encourages schools to push students towards Russell Group universities, even if it’s not the best option. Schools may prioritize sending students to these universities to improve their performance metrics, even if there are better-suited courses elsewhere.
  • Is not the most accurate measure of school performance. Another metric already exists that looks at the proportion of students going to universities in the top third of Ucas tariffs, which is a broader measure of university quality.

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What are people saying about the review?

Education leaders have welcomed the review. They believe that the current metric is unfair and misleading.

  • Sir David Bell, a former education official, said that the metric assumes “there is a category of ‘good’ universities, and the rest are irrelevant.” He argues that other universities excel in various ways and the focus should not solely be on the Russell Group.
  • Alex Bols, from the representative body for smaller universities, believes the metric “disproportionally skews behaviour of schools, parents and students.” He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the value of other excellent universities and specialized institutions.

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What will happen next?

The government is currently reviewing the metric and will decide whether to continue using it in the future. The outcome of this review could have a significant impact on how schools are evaluated and how students choose universities. Are you looking for more exciting information? Make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates.

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