
Packing List for Switzerland: Don’t Miss These Essentials As An International Student

4 minute read
study abroad packing list for switzerland

Are you moving to the beautiful land of Switzerland? Are you ready to embark on your academic journey in this stunning and wealthy nation? If so, consider going through our packing list Switzerland. This comprehensive list will keep you from missing any necessary items that you must carry. Switzerland has a high standard of living and high wages, along with a stunning landscape. So, it’s no wonder you decided to pursue your education here. In this blog, we will discuss the essentials like academic and travel documents, clothing, electronics, and personal care items. So, let’s begin!


Study Abroad Packing List Switzerland: Important Items

We have provided below a compressive packing list Switzerland. Make sure you don’t forget to carry these items with you. 

Essential Documents

Here are the academic and travel documents you need to carry:


See below the clothing items suitable for Switzerland:

  • Long-sleeved Tops
  • Sweaters
  • Jacket
  • Scarf
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Winter Coat
  • Jeans
  • Leggings
  • Long Sleeved Pieces
  • Pants
study abroad packing list switzerland


Here is a list of electronic items you must carry to Switzerland:

  • Plug Adapters
  • Camera
  • Power Bank
  • Charger
  • Tablet
  • Smartphone
  • Laptop

Personal Care

See below the list of personal care items you should carry to Switzerland:

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Wipes
  • Insect Repellent 
  • Body Wash
  • Hairbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Makeup
  • Toiletries
  • Comb


Don’t forget to carry the following miscellaneous items:

  • Sunglasses
  • Sun cream
  • Umbrella
  • Raincoat
  • Backpack
  • First Aid
  • Medicines 
  • Bedding

Download the PDF below to know more specific items to include in your packing list Switzerland.

Also Read: Heading to Australia? Here’s Your Complete Study Abroad Packing List

Study Abroad Packing List Switzerland: Travel Finance

Now that you are familiar with the packing list Switzerland, let’s look at the travel and living expenses you can expect in the table below. 

Average cost of flight from India to Switzerland for an individualCHF 203 to CHF 777
Student Visa application fee CHF 88 
Average monthly cost of living without rent for a single individual CHF 1,477.2

What Not to Add To Your Study Abroad Packing List Switzerland?

Now that you know what you should include in your packing list Switzerland, let’s look at the items you are not allowed to the country below. 

  • Narcotic
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Animals and Plants
  • Cultural Property
  • Counterfeit Goods
  • Weapon
  • Ammunition
  • Radar Warning Devices

Baggage Limit for International Students Going to Switzerland

Apart from the packing list Switzerland, you should also consider the limitations regarding how much you can carry. See below the baggage limits on intercontinental routes:

Class Weight Limit
Economy1 x max. 23 kg
Business2 x max. 32 kg = 64 kg combined
First3 x max. 32 kg = 96 kg combined

Also Read: Study Abroad Packing List Korea: What to Pack?

Study Abroad Packing List Switzerland: Additional Tips

Now that you are familiar with the packing list Switzerland, let’s look at some additional tips you should keep in mind before moving to this country. 

Prepare Your Documents: Gather and prepare all the required academic and travel documents well in advance before you apply for a Switzerland visa. 

Open a Swiss Bank Account: Consider opening a bank account in Switzerland to smoothly manage your expenses. 

Pack Your Belongings: Pack all your belongings in advance so that you don’t forget to carry them at the last moment. 

Relevant Reads:

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Q.1 What to wear when traveling in Switzerland?

Answer: The clothing items suitable to wear in Switzerland are:
1. Long-sleeved tops, 
2. Sweaters,
3. Jacket
4. Scarf
5. Waterproof Jacket
6. Winter Coat
7. Jeans
8. Leggings
9. Long Sleeved Pieces
10. Pants

Q.2 What is not allowed to bring to Switzerland?

Answer: Here is a list of items you are not allowed to carry to Switzerland:
1. Narcotic
2. Alcoholic Beverages
3. Animals and Plants
4. Cultural Property
5. Counterfeit Goods
6. Weapon
7. Ammunition
8. Radar Warning Devices

Q.3 Do they speak English in Switzerland?

Answer: Many of the Swiss people are fluent in English. 

We hope this blog gave you a complete overview of the packing list Switzerland. Stay tuned to Leverage Edu for more such content on student life abroad. Thank you for reading!

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