
Study Abroad: New South Wales Universities has Received 40% of Student Fees from Three Overseas Countries

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The New South Wales Universities receive 40% of their total student fees from just three overseas countries as per the latest auditor general report. The report released on Wednesday showed stream from international students returned to pre-pandemic levels in 2023 with a 12% increase in overseas enrolments on the previous year to 166178. Overseas students contributed $3.4bn to course fees in 2023, a $325.5m increase on 2022, with students from China, India and Nepal comprising $2.5bn alone.


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The total fees generated from those three nations is close to the $2.7bn received from Australia’s domestic students and comprise 71.7% of revenue from all overseas students. Universities earn nearly twice as much from overseas students compared with domestic students. Universities are facing a cap on international students with a bill introduced to parliament by the education minister that would give him wide-ranging powers to set a maximum number of new international student enrolments for courses and providers.

Study Abroad: New South Wales Universities has Received 40% of Student Fees from Three Overseas Countries

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In NSW, all universities except for Charles Sturt had an increase in overseas student revenue in 2023, the report found by as much as 47.1% on the previous year. As the overseas market grew, the number of full-time equivalent domestic students dropped by 2.6% in the year 2023 with only three universities experiencing an increase. On the other hand, eight universities reported net deficits with just the University of Sydney and the University of Newcastle avoiding the red, in large part due to success in attracting the international market.

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