
Study Abroad in Africa: Victoria University Focuses On Making Education System Better In Uganda

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Victoria University Focuses On Making Education System Better In Uganda
Victoria University Focuses On Making Education System Better In Uganda
Victoria University realizes the main reason for uttering unemployment in Uganda. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Lawrence Muganga, urges important stakeholders in the education sector to join forces in bettering the situation.

Vice Chancellor of Victoria University has been deemed as ‘an education evangelist’ for the drastic transformations he suggested in education. Education needs to be at par with the industrial revolution. In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, students need help with upskilling. He thinks that this is the major transformation that can bring the unemployment rate down in Uganda.


Higher Education Certificate by Victoria University

The VC of Victoria University promises a new dawn in Uganda with the introduction of a Higher Education certificate. This ensures a competency-based evaluation of students. In the HEC, students are able to reflect on their own progress. Additionally, it makes the system better and upskills students. It also ensures healthy competition.

He further adds HEC system takes in S.6 students with two principal passes. These students study for the failed subjects at the University and later apply for higher education at Victoria University. Students receive the certificates in just 8 months. The Professor thus calls the students of Uganda ‘bright’.

Victoria University Focuses On Making Education System Better In Uganda

Impact of Competency-Based Examinations

Thousands of students without principal passes recover credits at Victoria University in just 8 months! This is definitely a pointer, according to Prof Lawrence Muganga, of the glitch in Uganda’s education system.

The sensational Twitter space recording of the VC of Victoria University is here:


Developing countries are understanding the importance of a better education system that supports the neural growth of students. This is because employment opportunities come to those who match the need of the market and the industry. Hence, the students in Uganda schools need more attention from this perspective. The VC of Victoria University is an expert on this school of thought.

International students will get more advantages in the coming years in Uganda. Hopefully, the system would change to meet the requirements of the industry as he pointed out. Better work opportunities mean better economic stability for Uganda from international students aspiring to study abroad.

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