
Study Abroad: How the Right Study Destination Helped Altina Schinasi Unlock her Interest in Fine Arts? 

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Study Abroad: How the Right Study Destination Helped Altina Schinasi Unlock her Interest in Fine Arts

We all owe gratitude to Altina Schinasi for the invention of cat-eye glasses which have been in fashion ever since. But do we know how one single decision can transform all that one can achieve? Let’s explore this with the story of Altina Schinasi, a 20th-century American sculptor, designer, window dresser, entrepreneur, filmmaker and inventor.

Study Abroad: How the Right Study Destination Helped Altina Schinasi Unlock her Interest in Fine Arts

Altina Schinasi Miranda was born to a Window Dresser in New York, United States.  Watching the artistic talents of her father, the lady soon started to develop a longing for creativity. Her primary education began at home and then she completed her high school education at Dana Hall School in Wellesley, Massachusetts. 

It was after this, that Altina went to Paris to learn painting. The whole country of France has an artistic legacy harbouring timeless legends of fine arts and Paris is the epicentre of it. Therefore, studying in Paris unlocked her passion and curiosity to explore Fine Arts. 

Even when she returned to the USA, she pursued art education at the Art Students League in New York. From then on, no one could stop the potential of this lady who was born to be a creator. 

Learning With Legends

The lady got her first job as a window dresser with Peter Copeland and her work spoke for itself. She got the opportunity to work alongside Salvador Dali during this time. It was Dali who told her about the art classes with German artist George Grosz which both of them started attending later. 

Spending time in such a highly creative and inclusive environment, Schinasi started to think out of the box. This is when the mundane and repeated eyeglasses design caught her attention at an optician’s store and she thought, there should be more to it than just correcting vision or providing sun protection. 

She came up with a new design of cat-eye glasses which were then known as the Harlequin Glasses. These new stylish and revolutionary designs soon gained popularity and we can still feel the effects of it watching contemporary fashion trends. 

Study Abroad: How the Right Study Destination Helped Altina Schinasi Unlock her Interest in Fine Arts

All of this comes down to the opportunities and experiences that one can create in a dynamic learning environment. Studying Abroad and choosing a destination that is popular for your career path can also transform your life. 

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