
Study Abroad: Higher number of Indian students moving abroad in search of Quality education and Career Opportunities Abroad

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A higher record number of Indian students are studying abroad. Indian students find it easy to fast track their career growth while studying abroad.

After the impact of Covid 19, a dramatically increased demand for international students in the year 2022. There was an increase of approximately 69% from 2021 and somewhere reached to 7,50,000. Various factors contributed to this increase. Such as limited job opportunities, difficulty obtaining student loans in India, high tuition fees, low-quality education etc. As predicted by experts this trend will continue even when the government makes it easier for international students to establish campuses in India. Following the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Higher number of Indian students moving abroad in search of Quality education and Career Opportunities Abroad

International students seeking high-quality education abroad

In January it was announced by the University Grants Commission (UGC) that international universities could now establish campuses in India. Basically, it is a good step to revolutionise the Indian education sector. Despite all this trend Indian students continue to move abroad for higher education with approximate number of 1.09 million students studying in 85 countries. Also, India ranks second to China. 

Furthermore, according to recent government statistics; there was a sudden increase in the number of Indian students studying abroad in 2022 and in 2021. The number rose from 444,553 to 750,365. A prediction was made to highlight the reasons and it came out to be due to the expansion of a variety of factors. Like high demand due to covid 19 restrictions. Aso, an overall increase in the number of students seeking education abroad. 

Moreover, a significant increase in the number of students studying abroad highlights better career opportunities and health opportunities. This trend will keep on persisting as more students identify the value of interpersonal exposure and also a diverse educational experience. 

From the perspective of Indian society, studying abroad is viewed as a symbol of privilege and prestige, a sentiment that takes us back to colonial times. Moreover, it is not only about attaining prestigious degrees but even having better career prospects and opportunities. Some of the countries that provide post-study work visas have become more popular. These countries are Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Also, these visas allow international students to work. After their studies and allow them to gain work experience and advance their career. 

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