
Study Abroad: ETS Launches TOEFL Go App to Prepare Test Takers for New Shorter Exam

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Educational Testing Service (ETS) has introduced a new application to assist test takers in preparing for the revamped version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language  TOEFL. The app named “TOEFL Go” offers a comprehensive range of features to enhance the test preparation experience for aspiring candidates. 


The TOEFL Go app boasts a complete set of TOEFL iBT mock tests, along with additional practice sets. One of the highlights of the application is its utilization of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered automated scoring. This enables users to receive instant feedback on their performance. The feedback is provided for each section, ensuring that test takers can identify their strengths and areas that require improvement.

One of the most valuable aspects of the TOEFL Go app is its personalized feedback and tips for speaking and writing responses. This feature helps candidates fine-tune their language skills and gain valuable insights into enhancing their responses effectively.

Moreover, ETS has made the app available on both mobile and desktop devices. It ensures that test takers can access the preparation materials conveniently from their preferred platforms.

Study Abroad: ETS Launches TOEFL Go App to Prepare Test Takers for New Shorter Exam

New TOEFL Exam Changes in Effect

The changes to the TOEFL exam were announced by ETS last month, and they came into effect on July 26. The most significant alteration to the test format is the reduction of the exam duration from three hours to less than two hours. This change aims to create a more optimal and streamlined experience for candidates. This will allow them to complete the test in a shorter timeframe.

Another enhancement is that candidates will now be able to view their official score release date immediately after completing the test. This development provides test takers with greater clarity and certainty regarding their results.

TOEFL scores hold significant value globally, with over 12,000 educational institutions in more than 160 countries recognizing them. Notably, study destinations such as the United States America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand also accept the test scores. Furthermore, over 98 per cent of universities in the UK accept TOEFL scores as a reliable indicator of English proficiency.

With the launch of the TOEFL Go app and the implementation of these updates, ETS aims to offer test takers a more efficient preparation experience for the TOEFL exam. It further facilitates their academic and career aspirations on an international scale. For more exciting news updates, also make sure you contact Leverage Edu to start your study abroad

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