
Personal Hygiene Essentials for Study Abroad Students

3 minute read
What is Personal Hygiene?

Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it also comes with its challenges. One crucial aspect that often gets overlooked amidst the thrill of new cultures and adventures is personal hygiene. Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential not only for your well-being but also for building positive impressions in a foreign country. In this blog, we will delve into what is personal hygiene and some practical tips to ensure you stay fresh, healthy, and confident throughout your international journey.


What is Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene is the collection of routines people follow to keep themselves clean and healthy. These behaviours cover a wide range of topics, such as maintaining personal hygiene, oral hygiene, handwashing, grooming, and overall health. Remember as a study abroad student, maintaining good personal hygiene is vital for your comfort, health, and social interactions in a foreign country. 

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7 Ways to Embrace Personal Hygiene

Understanding cultural norms, bathing regularly, practising dental care, keeping your hands clean, wearing appropriate clothing, and managing body odour are essential aspects of personal hygiene. By prioritizing personal hygiene, you can fully embrace the opportunities and challenges that come with studying in a different country and make the most of this incredible journey.

Cultural Awareness

Before embarking on your study abroad adventure, it’s crucial to research and understand the cultural norms and expectations regarding personal hygiene in your destination country. Different cultures may have varying standards when it comes to bathing frequency, acceptable clothing, and grooming habits. Being aware of these cultural differences will help you adapt and respect local customs.

Bathing and Showering

Regular bathing or showering is a fundamental aspect of personal hygiene. The frequency may vary depending on your destination’s climate and cultural practices. If you are unsure, opt for daily showers and adapt as you observe the local norms. Remember to use soap and shampoo to clean your body and hair thoroughly, and don’t forget to dry yourself properly to avoid skin issues.

Dental Care

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for overall health and social interactions. Make sure to pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss when you travel. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially after meals, and consider carrying a small travel-sized mouthwash for added freshness. Regular dental check-ups are also advisable if your study program allows for longer stays.

Hand Hygiene

Frequent handwashing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and infections. Carry a small bottle of hand sanitiser with you at all times and use it before eating, after using public transportation, and after touching surfaces in shared spaces. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the handwashing facilities available in your host country and use them accordingly.

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Clothing and Laundry

Wearing clean clothes is not only a matter of personal hygiene but also contributes to your overall presentation and confidence. Pack enough clothes to last you between laundry days. Be mindful of local laundry facilities and practices, as they might differ from what you’re accustomed to. Avoid wearing excessively revealing or offensive clothing, especially in more conservative countries, to show respect for the local culture.

Managing Body Odor

Warmer climates and increased physical activity might lead to body odour. To manage this, choose breathable fabrics and change clothes regularly. Consider using antiperspirants or deodorants to stay fresh throughout the day. For those with specific body odour concerns, researching and packing appropriate products before departure can be beneficial.

Overall Health and Well-being

Personal hygiene also extends to taking care of your overall health. Ensure you have all necessary medications with you, along with a copy of your prescriptions. Research any specific health risks in your destination and take appropriate precautions, such as vaccinations or insect repellents. Staying hydrated, eating well, and getting enough sleep is crucial for your physical and mental well-being during your study abroad experience.

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Taking care of your overall health will ensure you have a positive and enriching experience during your time abroad. This was all about what is personal hygiene. For more such exciting and informative blogs, do check out our Health and Wellness page and, stay tuned with Leverage Edu.

Also, if you are looking to get an education loan to study abroad, reach out to Fly.Finance

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