
SAT Math Syllabus 2024: Check Updated Maths Syllabus

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SAT Math Syllabus

The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) examination is a standardized examination used for admission into universities abroad. The MCQ entrance examination is used as a common point reference that helps universities compare the applications. For example, universities in the USA use the SAT results to assess a student’s readiness for a Bachelor’s program. The examination includes verbal, writing, and mathematical tests. Before sitting for the SAT examination it is important that the students know the SAT Math Syllabus well enough. It will help them to prepare effectively for the examination. Keep reading to learn more about the SAT syllabus.

How is the SAT Syllabus Structured?   

The SAT exam is measured on a scale between 400-1600. The duration of the examination is 2 hours and 14 minutes. Basically, the mathematics, reading, and writing skills are tested. The performance in the first module will show the difficulty of the next question. The more difficult a question is, the more marks a student can secure. The total SAT score is 1600.

SAT Maths Syllabus   

The SAT maths syllabus covers topics that are taught in the high school. Some of these topics are trigonometry, geometry, graphs, equations, and functions. They are focused on certain areas. These are as follows:

TopicsSAT Math Syllabus
AlgebraLinear equations in two variables
Linear equations in one variable
Linear functions
Linear inequalities in one or two variables
Systems of two linear equations in two variables
Advanced MathsNon-linear equations in one variable and systems of equations in two variables
Equivalent expressions
Polynomial functions
Non-linear functions
Quadratic equations
Geometry and TrigonometryArea and volume
Right triangles and trigonometry
Lines, angles, and triangles
Problem Solving and Data AnalysisPercentages
Ratios, rates, proportional relationships, and units
Two-variable data: models and scatter plots
Evaluating mean, median, mode, standard deviation
One-variable data: distributions and measures of centre & spread
Probability and conditional probability
Verifying data collection methods
Inference from sample statistics and margin of error
Evaluating statistical claims: observational studies and experiments

Also Read: SAT Maths Subject Test

SAT Reading and Writing Syllabus  

The SAT Reading and Writing syllabus contains shorter passages with more direct questions. The length of these passages is 100-150 words. Generally, questions from history, politics, social and life sciences, etc would be asked.

TopicSAT syllabus
Information and IdeasCommand of evidence
Central ideas and details
Interpret information from tables, graphs, lines
Analytical and evaluative skills
Quantitative inferences
Expression of IdeasAbility to revise texts
Rhetorical synthesis transitions
Effectiveness of rhetoric texts
Craft and StructureWords in context
Text structure and purpose
Reasoning and comprehension skills
Cross-text connections
High-utility words and phrases
Standard English ConventionsForm, structure, and sense
Formation of English sentences
Usage and correction of punctuation

Also ACT vs SAT

SAT Exam Pattern 2024

The SAT Exam pattern 2024 is as follows:

Section NameDurationTotal Questions
Mathematical 70 minutes44 questions
Reading and Writing64 minutes54 questions
Total134 minutes98 questions

About: The New Digital SAT 2024

The digital version of SAT was introduced in 2023. It was the first time Indian students had appeared for the online SAT examination. Here are some information about the SAT 2023 examination:

  • The duration of the examination has been cut to 2 hours and 14 minutes
  • The SAT math exam is only given 70 minutes and the reading and writing section is given 64 minutes to complete.
  • There is only a single reading and writing section 
  • Compared to before, the digital examination will contain short passages 
  • The quantitative section will now consist of more questions 
  • A multistage adaptive testing format will be followed. According to this, students will receive questions that suit their level of performance.


1. What kind of math is in SAT Math?

The SAT Math section consists of 3 parts. The topic of this section includes. 17 Problem Solving and Data Analysis questions, 6 Passport to Advanced Math questions, and 19 Algebra questions.

2. Is SAT Math easy for Indian students?

Indian students perform better than students from other countries. The mathematics syllabus for the SAT examination is easier too. In the SAT exam, students are allowed to use a calculator.

3. Is SAT maths difficult?

SAT Math section is easy for students who have studied mathematics in their high school. The in depth understanding of the concepts can help such students. Others can find the SAT math difficult.

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