
PTE Speaking: Common Mistakes and How To Avoid Them?

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PTE Speaking: Common Mistakes and How To Avoid Them?

Scoring high in all the sections of the PTE Exam can be difficult. The candidates may lose marks in any one section and it can impact the overall PTE score. Candidates make mistakes during this demanding English proficiency test. Majorly, these mistakes happen at the time of PTE preparation and answering the question of the exam. In this blog, we will help you to know about PTE speaking common Mistakes and how to avoid them


Understanding PTE Speaking Section

PTE ( Pearson Test of English) is one of the most widely accepted English proficiency tests all over the world. There are two types of PTE tests i.e PTE Academic and PTE General. PTE Academic is a test for those who are planning to move abroad to study. PTE General on the contrary is for those who are planning to move abroad for work or PR basis. 

There are 3 different sections in any PTE exam i.e Speaking and Writing, Reading and Listening. Speaking and Writing are one of the most lengthy and difficult sections to answer in an exam. There are a total of seven types of questions in this section Read aloud, Repeat sentences, Introduction, Answer short questions etc. Different types of mistakes can impact your score in this section. Avoid these mistakes to score high and excel in your PTE exam. 

Must Read: PTE Preparation at Home

5 Common Mistakes In PTE Speaking and How to Avoid Them 

There are some common mistakes that a student can ignore but these are very important. You should avoid these mistakes to score well in the PTE exam. Know about PTE speaking common Mistakes and how to avoid them.

No Plan

One of the most common mistakes, when you are attempting the PTE exam, is studying without a plan. Studying with a plan is very important as when you study without it, you won’t be able to score well in your exam. Go carefully through your syllabus and sort out the topics you have to study. Make a plan for the time you have to give to each topic. This practice will surely help you to save time. 

Use of Informal Language

As a natural behaviour when you speak, people may start speaking in an informal language. When you are attempting a PTE speaking question, the most important thing you have to keep in mind is the use of good language. Avoid using that informal language and keep your tone simple and correct.

No Time Management

When you start answering your PTE speaking section, make sure you try to manage your time. Answering questions can be very difficult because of your poor time management skills. Always keep a tab on your watch and always decide for yourself how much time you want to give to a particular question. This will avoid the last-minute hustle to complete the exam as the time is very limited.

Unclear Words

The common practice of answering in PTE Speaking is when you speak your answers in microphones. Sometimes while speaking, you may feel a bit nervous and lack confidence, and you may speak some unclear words. The scores of the speaking section also depend on your oral fluency section. Due to unclear words, this score may affect. So keep in mind using clear words in the microphone. 

Not Speaking in Full Sentences

Many times while you are speaking, you may take a break before completing the sentence. Now the microphone takes 2-3 seconds to restart the recording when you start speaking again. This may affect the score, as your sentence now becomes very unclear for the listener. So make sure you complete them before taking any breaks while speaking.


What is the most scoring part in the PTE Speaking section?

Scoring well in the speaking section can be a bit difficult task. However, in the speaking section, Reading Aloud is the easiest of all the questions to score. In this type of question, you just have to read aloud the text you see in the microphone properly. If you answer them correctly, you can surely score well.

What is the most important tip for scoring well in the Speaking section?

The most important tip for scoring well in the speaking section is to have good communication skills and fluency in your world. All you have to do in this section is to speak and answer. However, there are also some other tips and things that you should keep in mind while answering.

How to pass PTE Speaking with a good score?

Scoring well in all the sections of the PTE exam is very important. There are a lot of hurdles but following some tips, you can pass these hurdles and clear the exam with a good score. Some tips are to speak clearly in the microphone, avoiding to speak at a high speed, speak confidently etc. If you will follow these tips, you can surely see an improved score.

What is the number of questions and approximate duration of the PTE speaking section?

There are 7 types of questions, each comprising 10-12 questions. There is no exact duration of any section of the exam but the approximate duration of the PTE speaking section is 1-1.5 hours.

English language certifications are instrumental in securing admission to leading universities. Many of them require that you score the predefined marks so that you can be eligible to apply. In any case, a high score increases your chances of admission. 

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