
PTE Essay Topic: As global trade increases between different countries, many daily necessities are produced in other countries.

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As global trade increases between different countries, many daily necessities are produced in other countries.

Q- As global trade increases between different countries, many daily necessities are produced in other countries. Such goods are usually transported a long distance. Do the benefits of this trend outweigh its drawbacks? 

Ans- In today’s globalized world, it is a common practice to import daily necessities from other countries due to the availability of cheaper labor and resources. Although this trend has some benefits, it also has its drawbacks. In this essay, I will analyze whether the benefits of this trend outweigh its drawbacks.


One of the primary advantages of importing daily necessities is the availability of cheaper products. Countries that import goods can often purchase them at a lower cost than if they were produced domestically, which can lead to lower prices for consumers. Moreover, importing goods from other countries creates job opportunities for people in those countries, leading to economic growth and stability.

On the other hand, this trend has some significant drawbacks. One of the major concerns is the environmental impact of transporting goods over long distances. Shipping and air freight are responsible for a considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions, which can contribute to climate change. Moreover, long transportation times can result in delays and complications in the supply chain, leading to product shortages and price increases.

Another significant drawback of importing daily necessities is the potential quality issues. When goods are produced in other countries, there may be differences in production standards and regulations. This can lead to quality issues and potentially unsafe products, which can harm consumers and damage the importing country’s reputation.

In my opinion, the drawbacks of importing daily necessities outweigh its benefits. While cheaper products and job opportunities may seem attractive, the environmental impact and potential quality issues should not be ignored. To address these concerns, countries should prioritize local production and reduce their reliance on imported goods.

In conclusion, while importing daily necessities from other countries may offer some benefits, it also has significant drawbacks. The environmental impact, potential quality issues, and supply chain complications must be considered when weighing the benefits against the drawbacks. Therefore, it is essential to find a balance between the benefits and the costs to ensure sustainable economic growth and a better future for all.

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