
Pie Chart Vocabulary 2023

5 minute read
Pie Chart Vocabulary

Students who want to study abroad have to show their English skills in advance. The IELTS or International English Language  Testing System will help the students to study or migrate abroad for employment purposes.


In the IELTS exam, Pie Chart questions are often seen.  In IELTS Writing Task 1 there will be a visual representation or a diagram on which you have to write a paragraph. One of these visual representations is pie charts.

In the below-mentioned article, the candidates will get to know the details about the Pie Chart Vocabulary such as how to structure writing tasks, IELTS writing task vocabulary, IELTS Pie Chart sample questions and tips for the Pie Chart Vocabulary.

How to Structure Writing Task Pie Chart in Task 1 

Step 1- Prepare

  • Select and report the main features of the pie chart. Write down what the pie chart shows and related synonyms.
  • Write down the periods, dates and announcements.
  • Identify the biggest and smallest parts of the pie chart. Try to understand what it is representing and try to know the percentage.
  • The main point is to summarize all the information rather than getting lost in the details.

Step 2- Organize What You Have Found into Two Groups

The candidates who are preparing for the IELTS exam must focus on the below-mentioned topics:

  • Major trends 
  • Major groups
  • Exceptions
  • Group Information
  • Other similar ideas

The main point of this step is to organize the major groups in the mind of the students, which helps them to write all the major trends, comparisons and changes in their essays. It also prepares them to write a writing task 1 pie chart essay in a coherent and cohesive way.

Step 3- How to Organise Your Paragraphs

The main thing the candidates must know is how to construct the paragraphs and sequence the ideas in order to get a good score in IELTS writing task 1. The candidates must structure their essays with the following sections:

Paragraph 1- Introduction

In this introductory paragraph, write about what a pie chart represents in one sentence. It needs to be clear.

Paragraph 2- Focus on the first group

In this paragraph, the candidates need to focus on what to write in the major groups and trends.

Paragraph 3- Focus on the second group

In the third paragraph, the candidates have to follow the same method which is followed in the second paragraph.

Paragraph 4- Summarize the description

In the last paragraph, the candidates have to summarize the whole pie chart in two to three sentences.

Must Read: International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Exam

IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Vocabulary

Vocabulary for Pie Chart: Percentage to Fractions or Ratios

5%One in twenty
10%One in ten
15%Less than a fifth
20%A fifth
25%A quarter
30%Less than a third
35%More than a third
40%Two fifths
45%More than two fifths
55%More than half
60%Three fifths
65%Two thirds
70%Seven in ten
75%Three- quarters

Vocabulary: Percentage to Qualifiers

32%Almost a third
49%Nearly a half/ just under a half
77%Approximately three quarters/ just over three quarters

Vocabulary: Percentages to Other Phrases

PercentageProportion/ Numbers/Amount/ Majority/Minority
5%A very small number
10%-15%A minority
65%-75%A significant proportion
75%-85%A very large majority

IELTS Pie Chart Sample Question

The students preparing for the IELTS Pie Chart below mentioned the sample question related to the Pie chart which will give them a brief idea about how to solve the questions in the exam:

Sample Question 1:

Sample Question 2:

This pie chart shows the shares of total world food consumption held by each of the seven different food types in the year 2014.

In the pie chart shown above meat is consumed the most which is 31.4%. In the second number, Fish is consumed more whose percentage level is at 27.9%. In the third, it is a cereal which is consumed at 11.7 per cent of the total. Fruits’ share of consumption is 10.6 per cent which is followed closely by vegetables at 10.5 per cent, and then bread at 5.5 per cent. The smallest food group in terms of world consumption is rice which is at 2.4 per cent.

The graphs show that overall global consumption is widely dispersed among food types. Animal-based foods (meat and fish) are consumed more. It is important to note, however, that based on the information in this pie chart no conclusions can be drawn about the dietary diversity of an individual person.

Tips for Better Interpretation of Pie Chart Vocabulary

The students appearing for the IELTS exam must keep a few things in mind while attempting the Pie Char Vocabulary Written Task 1 which will help them to score good marks. Below mentioned are the tips for the Pie Chart Vocabulary:

  • The candidates must not get panic while writing about the pie chart. If they are not able to compare the pie chart just summarize the picture and make the comparison where it is important.
  • Don’t give personal opinions while describing the pie charts.
  • Write at least 150 words in the essay.
  • Read the pie chart title and diagram carefully to write the important information.
  • Pay attention to the time frame and use appropriate tenses.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary while describing the pie chart.


How to write a pie chart in IELTS task 1?

To write a pie chart in IELTS task 1 try to divide the information into two groups. Focus on trends and exceptions for an easy way to do this. Think of synonyms for the keywords and most important numbers.

How do you summarize a pie chart?

To summarize a pie chart the first column indicates a category, and the second the proportion, frequency, or amount of that category. Usually, the total does not need to be specified separately unless it is to be listed somewhere else on a generated figure.

How to write a report on a pie chart?

Follow the 4 paragraph model. In the first part write the introduction. Second, talk about the first group of data. In the Third para write about the other group of data and in the fourth paragraph write a summary with the overall trends and patterns. Be sure to use the correct tense.

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