
No More Faux Pas: Learn How to Spell Countries & Nationalities in French

3 minute read
countries and nationalities in french

Learning French can be a thrilling adventure filled with beautiful language and rich culture. However, one common stumbling block for many learners is correctly spelling countries and nationalities in French. This blog is here to guide you through the intricacies of French geography and grammar. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, you’ll find valuable tips and tricks to master the spelling of countries and nationalities in French. We will also discuss some crucial rules for writing nationalities in the language. Ready, set, lingo!

List of Countries and Nationalities in French

The table below shows how to spell countries and nationalities in French. Please note it would be a very long list if we included every country in the world, so only a small selection is shown in this section. It will give you an idea of how nations, nationalities, and languages are translated into French. 

Country Name in FrenchNationalityLanguage(s)
United StatesUnited StatsAméricain(e)l’anglais
SwitzerlandSuisseSuissel’allemand, le français, l’italien
RussiaRussieRussele russe
SenegalSénégalSénégalais(e)le français
PolandPolognePolonais(e)le polonais
AlgeriaAlgérieAlgérien(ne)l’arabe, le français
BelgiumBelgiqueBelgele flamand, le français
BrazilBrésilBrésilien(ne)le portugais
ChinaChineChinois(e)le chinois
CanadaCanadaCanadien(ne)le français, l’anglais
FranceFranceFrançais(e)le français
IndiaIndeIndien(ne)l’hindi (plus many others)
JapanJaponJaponais(e)le japonais
NetherlandsPays-BasNéerlandais(e)le néerlandais

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to French Nouns For Beginners

List of Continents in French

After going through the countries and nationalities in French, let’s learn how to spell continents in the language. You will notice a similarity between the French and English names. Moreover, the adjectives are very similar and you can use them to describe each continent’s residents. 

ContinentName in FrenchAdjective
North AmericaAmérique du NordNord-Américain(e)
South AmericaAmérique du SudSud-Américain(e)

Rule for Writing Nationalities in French

Now that know how to spell countries and nationalities in French, let’s look at some crucial rules you must keep in mind. We have shown below several rules for writing nationalities in French, which will allow you to use them in your sentences properly. 

  • When nationality adjectives are feminine, they are written with an e. 
  • You have to write several feminine adjectives in a particular way.
  • The feminine form does not change in case the nationality adjective is written with an e in its masculine form.

Also Read: Counting From 1 to 100: A Journey in French Numbers

Countries and Nationalities in French Quiz

Check your knowledge of countries and nationalities in French by answering the following questions. 

Q1 – True or False: The United States is called United Stats in French. 

Q2 – Fill in the Blank: The adjective of Asia is _________ in French. 

Q3 – Match the following continents in French with their correct meaning in English:

a) Europe1. Amérique du Nord
b) North America2. Europe
c) Australia3. Antarctique
d) Antarctica4. Australie

Q4 – True or False: India is called Inde in French. 

Answers: A1 – True, A2 – Asiatique, A3 – a): 2; b): 1; c): 4; d) 3, A4 – True

More Resources on French Language:

Articles in French Made Easy: A Cheat Sheet for Beginners50+ Basic French Language Words You Need to Know Before Getting Started
Beyond Salut: Introducing Yourself in French As A BeginnerMastering French Pronouns: A Complete Guide
Verbs in French: Check Out The List of Common French VerbsA-Z with Ease: Learn the French Alphabet with Pronunciation Like a Breeze!


Q.1 How do you say different nationalities in French?

Answer: Here are several examples of nationalities in French:
1. United States – Américain(e)
2. France – Français(e)
3. Canada – Canadien(ne)
4. England – Anglais(e)
5. Russia – Russe
6. India – Indien(ne)
7. Australia – Australien(ne)

Q.2 How do you say England in France?

Answer: England is called Angleterre in French.

Q.3 How to write nationality in France?

Answer: Nationality is written as nationalité in French. 

And we are done with countries and nationalities in French. Explore Leverage Edu’s study abroad resources for more educative blogs on the French language daily. Ready, set, lingo!

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