
IELTS Pie Chart Task 1: Step-By-Step Guide to Describe Pie Charts in IELTS, Best Tips, Sample Answer

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The IELTS Academic Writing section throws individuals a unique challenge: the Pie Chart Task. This task requires students to write a well-articulated report based on visual information presented as pie charts. Students must not only analyze and decipher the data within but also use their critical thinking skills and mental agility to formulate answers based on their assessment. It’s a true test of both English language proficiency and sharp thinking on your feet. Read the article to delve deeper into the intricacies of the Pie Chart Task. 


Step-by-Step Guide to Describing Pie Charts in IELTS Writing Task 1

Writing Task 1 of the IELTS exam requires describing pie charts in a concise report based on your analysis of the provided information. To ensure a well-articulated and concise answer, first familiarise yourself with the structure of the given task and what it entails. Refer to the following steps to write a well-articulated answer. 

Start by Writing a Clear and Precise Introduction: 

  • Paraphrase the given information at the top of the pie charts. 
  • Interpret the given data by using your analytical prowess to write a clear and concise report. 
  • Don’t be tempted to merely copy the data; instead, use your linguistic skills to decipher the information and paraphrase it in your own language. 
  • Remember, brevity is your ally, so craft your introduction with care, ensuring it entices the examiner to delve deeper into your insightful analysis. 

Highlight the Key Features of the Pie Chart in the Overview Section: 

  • After you are done writing the introduction, you’ll need to highlight the most salient features of the pie chart in the overview section. 
  • Go through the data multiple times before meticulously noting down all the important features that arise in your mind. Weave all the features together into a cohesive and comprehensible narrative.
  •  Don’t let any detail remain in the shadows; distill every observation into a clear and concise overview. 

Write Information-Dense Body Paragraphs 

  • The body paragraphs form the heart of your pie chart analysis, carrying the most weight in your report. Here, you’ll segregate the data with precision, crafting two distinct narratives.
  •  Carefully divide and condense the information, ensuring each paragraph tackles a unique aspect of the pie chart. 
  • Don’t shy away from specifics. For example, delve into the nuances of slice A in one paragraph, then illuminate the insights hidden within slice B in the next. 
  • Remember, each body paragraph is its own mini-puzzle piece, fitting seamlessly with the others to build a complete picture of the data.

Best Tips to Score Better In the Pie Chart Task of IELTS Writing 1

The pie chart task of IELTS writing may seem daunting to some at first; however, with prior preparation and practice, it’ll be a piece of cake for you to ace it. That being said, here are the best tips to help you score better in this task. 

  • Be a Data Sleuth: Don’t just stare at the slices; look for the clues in them! Identify, compare and extrapolate as much data as you can from the given information. Always ask yourself the hows and whys to the reason behind the shown percentages. Once you’ll start asking yourself such questions, it’ll be much easier for you to navigate through the given information and create a cohesive response. 
  • Create a cohesive structure: It is imperative to articulate your observations into a clear, precise and comprehensive structure that is not only information dense, but also easy to read and understand. You must segregate your body paragraphs to convey distinct aspects of the given information. 
  • Work on your English vocabulary and grammar: Doing so will help you conquer the task of describing a pie chart.  Ensure incorporating as much as pie chart language, such as ‘comprises of, represents and accounts for,’ as possible whilst describing a pie chart in IELTS writing. Other than that, you can make your report more interesting by using nouns, vivid verbs, and apt adjectives.

IELTS Pie Chart Task Sample Answer

Here is a  sample answer for the IELTS pie chart task. Go through them to understand how to describe a pie chart in the IELTS writing task 1. 


Ans: The pie charts represent the ratio of the five major types of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. 

Overall, both years witnessed that gas and coal were the major contributors of energy, with a cumulative percentage of more than 50%. On the contrary, nuclear and other energy sources contributed the least amount of energy in both these years. It can be also inferred that France witnessed a minimal change in energy production in this decade. 

Coal produced around 29.80% of energy in 1995 which slightly increased to around 30.93% in the year 2005. Similarly, even gas showed a marginal improvement in energy production in France between 1995-2005. In 1995, Gas in France contributed to around 29.63% of energy production, which grew marginally to  30.31% in 2005. 

Nuclear power plants in France during the years 1995 and 2005 contributed to around 5% of growth in energy production whilst petrol saw a decrease in production, i.e., from 29.27% in 1995 to 19.55% in 2005. 

So, that was all about the IELTS Pie Chart. This task can be challenging for some, but with prior practice and understanding of its structure and nuances, you can easily ace the task with flying colours. We hope the blog could have helped you answer your queries regarding the topic. 

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How to solve pie chart questions in IELTS?

You can write IELTS pie chart essays by analysing the given information, discerning the salient features of the data, writing a crisp and solid introduction, a to-the-point overview section and detailed body paragraphs. 

What vocabulary is used in the pie chart questions in IELTS?

Some of the most common vocabulary used in pie chart questions in IELTS are per cent, percentage, proportion, amount, share etc. 

What is the scoring range of IELTS writing? 

The scoring range of IELTS writing is 0-9. 

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