
IELTS Daily Speaking Topic: Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently.

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IELTS Daily Speaking Topic: Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

  1. Shivangi my best friend has always been passionate about helping others, but for a long time, she was stuck in a corporate job. 
  2. She wanted to start her non-profit organisation and after a lot of contemplation, she finally gave in to it. 
  3. The reason I think that it was the best choice as she has always been someone who cares deeply about social issues and has a knack for organising and leading projects. 
  4. When she told me about this, I felt it takes a lot of courage to leave a stable job and follow your passion. And I am very proud of her.

Q. Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently. You should say who he/she is, when he/she made the decision, what decision he/she made, why it was a good decision and explain how you felt about the decision.

Ans. One person who comes to mind when I think about making good decisions is my best friend, Shivangi. She recently made an impactful decision that I believe was absolutely the right call. 

Shivangi has always been passionate about helping others, but for a long time, she was stuck in a corporate job that didn’t align with her values. About six months ago, she made a bold move to leave her well-paying job and start her own non-profit organisation focused on providing education to underprivileged children. This decision was not made overnight; I remember Shivangi contemplating it for a long time. She spent countless hours researching, meticulously planning every detail, and even saving up to ensure she could sustain herself during the initial months of her new venture. When she finally took the leap of faith, it was a blend of excitement and nervousness.

The reason why I feel it was such a commendable decision is that it perfectly aligns with who Shivangi is as a person. She’s always been someone who cares deeply about social issues and has a knack for organising and leading projects. As of now, her organisation has already started making an impact in the community. They’ve organised several workshops and have even partnered with local schools to provide invaluable resources and support to students in need. When she told me about her decision, I felt immensely proud of her. I know it takes a lot of courage to leave a stable job and follow your passion, especially when it comes with such a significant pay cut. But Shivangi’s happiness and sense of fulfilment have skyrocketed since she made this change. It’s inspiring to see her so dedicated and motivated every day.

So, Shivangi’s decision to start her non-profit was definitely a good one, and I feel genuinely happy and proud to see her thrive in her new role. It’s a testament to the fact that following your heart can lead to incredible outcomes.


Who is the person: One person who comes to mind when I think about making good decisions is my best friend, Shivangi. She recently made an impactful decision that I believe was absolutely the right call. 

What was the decision and when was it made: Shivangi has always been passionate about helping others, but for a long time, she was stuck in a corporate job that didn’t align with her values. About six months ago, she made a bold move to leave her well-paying job and start her own non-profit organisation focused on providing education to underprivileged children.

How did the decision was made: This decision was not made overnight; I remember Shivangi contemplating it for a long time. She spent countless hours researching, meticulously planning every detail, and even saving up to ensure she could sustain herself during the initial months of her new venture. When she finally took the leap of faith, it was a blend of excitement and nervousness.

Why do you think it was a great decision: The reason why I feel it was such a commendable decision is that it perfectly aligns with who Shivangi is as a person. She’s always been someone who cares deeply about social issues and has a knack for organising and leading projects. As of now, her organisation has already started making an impact in the community. They’ve organised several workshops and have even partnered with local schools to provide invaluable resources and support to students in need.

How do you feel about the decision: When she told me about her decision, I felt immensely proud of her. I know it takes a lot of courage to leave a stable job and follow your passion, especially when it comes with such a significant pay cut. But Shivangi’s happiness and sense of fulfilment have skyrocketed since she made this change. It’s inspiring to see her so dedicated and motivated every day.

Conclusion: So, Shivangi’s decision to start her non-profit was definitely a good one, and I feel genuinely happy and proud to see her thrive in her new role. It’s a testament to the fact that following your heart can lead to incredible outcomes.

Vocabulary in Use With Word Meanings

Right CallA correct or wise decision.
Bold MoveA brave and daring action.
ContemplatingThinking about or considering something deeply.
MeticulouslyIn a very careful and detailed manner.
Has KnackHas a natural talent or ability.
SkyrocketedIncreased very quickly and suddenly.
TestamentEvidence or proof of something.
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