
Study Abroad in Australia: CDU Orientation Welcomes Over 1000 Students

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CDU orientation
CDU in Australia welcomes over 1000 students at the orientation with 360 international students attending the Orientation week programmes.

At the brink of a time when Australia introduces USIs for all onshore students, CDU Orientation welcomes 360 international students. The University also indulges 1950 newly admitted national students at the same event. The orientation week at Charles Darwin University will continue from the 27th of February to the 3rd of March. The University states that the enrollment numbers in 2023 are strong compared to the other years. The University is also expecting 1000 international students by the beginning of the semester.


CDU Orientation Week

The CDU Orientation Week will have three major events over three days. The first is on the 27th of February. The activities during the day would be education fairs and a lot of information sharing. The day would start with some breakfast and toasts for all that could make it to the campus. The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Scott Bowman AO, would welcome the masses to the campus. Then there would be a lecture theatre for questions from the crowd that the CDU orientation presenters will answer. The event will address International students regarding Visa requirements and other necessary details. Free lunch is also at the University for all the students and others at the event.

The first day of the CDU Orientation week will commence at 9.30 a.m. ending at 5 p.m. The second day will be a campus tour starting at 9 a.m. The students will be able to tour the Waterfront campus. The third day of CDU Orientation week on 3rd March will be a peer conversation day.

Exciting Activities at Charles Darwin University

The students entering the CDU Orientation events will enjoy the great company of their peers and the mesmerizing faculty. They will be able to perform at the events. A lot of networking and multicultural exchanges are about to happen as well. The international students will get a breathtaking view of the great campus. The national students will have the best of all schools of thought. The event attendees will have CDU-sponsored breakfasts and lunch on all three days of the event. The VC also expects that with the increase of international students to 1000 and above, national students will also increase to above 2100 students.

CDU orientation

Thus, the students can expect to have a great time at the CDU Orientation where great cultural indulgence and promising University life await them.

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