How to Write a Thank You Email? Free Samples

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Thank You email

We all seek growth and opportunities for a better future. professionally, we all work hard, try to win hearts and eventually a better raise. Whenever we are praised for our hard work or get a promotion, it is expected to show some gratitude and thank our superiors. professional ethics says we need to write a formal thank you email to our manager or superior for the opportunity. Let’s take a look at some thank you email samples and how to write them.

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7 Tips to Write a Thank You Email

Thanking your co-workers, senior employees and managers for their unconditional support at work can be the best thing you can do in return for their kind gesture. While merely sending a thank you can also leave a memorable image in the recipient’s mind, articulating a good thank you email using the right set of words may leave an impression. So, read below for the 7 best tips for writing a thank you email.

  1. Define the “Subject” of the email precisely: the subject line is the most important aspect of an email. The subject line should be short and crisp and describe the main purpose of writing the email. You may go on writing your email’s subject line like – “Thank You for Promotion – <Your Name>”.
  2. Add proper greetings to the Body of the Email: Start with “Dear” followed by the recipient’s name to address the receiver of the email. 
  3. Opening Statement: Start writing the body of the email by mentioning what is the email all about. For example, you may write – “this email is regarding the promotion that I wouldn’t have received without your support and consideration”.

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  1. Convey your feeling of gratitude: Convey your heartfelt gratitude for the receiver’s contribution to your promotion. Express how deeply you appreciate their advocacy towards your hard work and success in past works leading you to get a promotion.

To enhance this section, you may as well include some examples in your appreciation text. You may pick examples from events when you have proved to be a reliable team player and achieved great success that was acknowledged by the recipient or others. You may address the recipient’s role in getting your work acknowledged by the higher authorities.

  1. Assure them of continued success: In the ending lines, you may assure the concerned person that you will strive to give continued success in your area of expertise.
  2. Thank Again: Thank the recipient(s) of the email again for their overall contribution to your success. And then, end the email with your signatures.  

Note:- In every step, keep the content short and precise to effectively achieve the main aim of the email.

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Samples of Thank You Emails

Read here for the two best samples of thank you emails for promotion.

Sample 1

Subject Line: Thank You for your Cooperation in Promotion – Priya Garg

Dear Nitish,

This email is regarding my recent promotion which wouldn’t have been possible without your cooperation and support. 
I cannot thank you enough for advocating for my work and always guiding me through great deals of work. Your trust and understanding in me means a great deal for me. Your guidance and suggestions through all this time have proven to be fruitful for me. Time often you have helped me realise my strengths and productivity. 
Further, I look forward to what this new role will teach me and help me grow. I hope to get your continued support and guidance throughout this.  
With this, I want to thank you again for standing up for my promotion and showing your valuable trust in me. I assure you that I will continue to keep your faith in me by putting my best work on the table. 

Thanks & Regards,
Priya Garg

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Sample 2

Subject Line: Thank You for Your Trust in Me – Priya Garg

Dear Joseph,

This email is regarding the Assistant Manager position to which I have been promoted recently. I want to convey my deepest gratitude for your trust and understanding in me. 
On a very special note, I want to mention that your continuous support and guidance have helped me to achieve this great achievement. Your continuous trust in me has boosted my confidence all through this time. I have learnt a lot from your honest feedback and used it to improve my performance and learn new skills. 
Thanks for your continuous efforts in keeping me engaged in the right direction. With your firm support and guidance, I have exceeded the skills required for my previous role which eventually helped me in getting this higher role. 
Thank you once again for your trust and advocacy in getting me this excellent opportunity. I am truly grateful to you and will continue to provide great results to keep your trust in me. 

Thanks & Regards,
Priya Garg

Sample 3

Subject Line: Thank You for Appreciating My Hard Word – Ananya Raj


Dear Priyanka,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the appreciation and recognition you have given me. It means a lot to me to know that my efforts have not gone unnoticed. Your kind words and support have motivated me to continue striving for excellence in my work.

Thank you once again for your encouragement and for believing in my abilities. I look forward to contributing even more to our team’s success.

Best regards,

Ananya Raj – E1044

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Benefits of Sending Thank You Email for Promotion

Here are a few benefits of sending a thank you email for promotion:

  1. It sends a message of gratitude to the person who supported you in achieving this great success. Conveying this form of gratitude sends a message to the recipient that you continue to look out for their guidance and will remain as humble as you were before receiving this promotion. 
  2. This email also sends a direct request to your manager/the person who supported you to provide consistent support for this new role in future. 

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Q1. How to write a thank you email for a promotion to your manager?

Ans: You may convey your gratitude for the promotion by writing in the best professional manner by sending an email. Address your manager at the beginning of the email and then, continue by conveying your deep gratitude for their continuous support. You may use examples from past instances of your little successes that contributed to achieving this great success. And end the email by thanking and assuring the recipient of your continued excellence. 

Q2. How to say thank you professionally for getting promoted?

Ans: A professional conveyance of gratitude for being granted a promotion can be done by sending a thank you mail for the promotion. You can add all the details and examples you want to add to support your gratitude towards the person who supported you but in a formal language.

Q3. How to write a professional thank you letter?

Ans: A professional thank you letter must be written on a crisp white A4 sheet, with the name of the recipient on the top left side. Follow by writing the subject and date beneath them and then start with the boy of the letter. Thank the recipient of the letter in a formal way and end up assuring of your continued excellence. End the letter by mentioning your name, post and signatures.  

This was all about the “how to write a thank you email”. For more such informative blogs, visit the career counselling page of Leverage Edu

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