MP Board 12th extra exam 2023 will be held tentatively in June 2023 for students who would be unable to pass one or two topics in MP Board 12th Exam 2023. The additional 12th MP Board timetable 2023 will be made available online in the first week of June 2023. The exams will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. during the morning shift. Read this blog to know all about MP Board Class 12th Supplementary Exam 2023.
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MP Board Class 12th Supplementary Exam
Students should refer to the table below for vital information about the Class 12th Supplementary Exam for MP Board 2023:
Conducting Authority | Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) |
Exam name | MP 12th supplementary exam 2023 |
Exam Registration | May 2023 |
Admit card release date | June 2023 |
Exam date | June 2023 |
Result release date | July 2023 |
Official website | |
The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education will issue the MP 12th supplementary timetable 2023 online in June 2023. The MP Board 12th supplementary examination 2023 will begin in the third week of June 2023. The exam will be held from 9:00 a.m. to noon shift.
Must Read: MP Board Result 2023 (MPBSE): Revaluation or Re-checking Process @
How to Download MP Board Supplementary Exam Time Table?
The processes for downloading the MP Board 12th Time Table 2023 from the official website are as follows:
- Step: 1 Begin by visiting the official website,
- Step: 2 Navigate to the “Time Table” portion of the page.
- Step: 3 Then, select “Time Table” to bring up the “Examination Time Table” window.
- Step: 4 When you click on the “Examination Time Table,” a PDF file will be downloaded and shown on your device’s screen.
- Step: 5 Check it out and save it for later use.
12th Supplementary Registration Form 2023 MP Board
The process for the MP 12th supplemental registration 2023 will begin probably in May 2023. MPBSE will make the MP board 12th supplementary registration form available on the official website, and students will be able to apply for it there. Students must submit the application form within the time frame specified by the board.
How to Download the Registration Form?
The following is the application process for the Class 12th Supplementary Exam for MP Board 2023:
- Step 1: Navigate to the official website of the MP Board,
- Step 2: Go to the MP Board supplemental exam online application form on the homepage.
- Step 3: After successfully enrolling, fill out the necessary information.
- Step 4: Determine which paper you will take.
- Step 5: Submit payment for your application fee.
- Step 6: Save the document to your computer and print it for future reference.
Application Fee
- Applicants must pay a fee of Rs 350 for each subject they choose to take in the MP Board Classes 10, 12, and 2023 compartment exams.
- For the MP Board 12th Vocational Compartment Exams, students must pay a fee of Rs 350 for two subjects and Rs 500 for four subjects.
- Debit cards, credit cards, and Net Banking are all accepted for online payments.
Must Read: MP Board Result 2023 (MPBSE): Exam Percentage and Analysis
MP Board 2023 12th Supplementary Admit Card
The MPBSE 12th supplementary admit card will be released approximately in June 2023. Students can access their admission cards online and print them for exam reasons. Furthermore, students must inspect the admit card for any problems and have them addressed before the exam begins.
How to Download the Admit Card?
Students can obtain them immediately from the official website by following the steps outlined below.
- Step 1: Go to the MP board’s official website,
- Step 2: From the primary menu on the home page, pick “Counter-Based Forms.”
- Step 3: Navigate to the “MP Board 12th Supplementary Admit Card” page and select the appropriate link.
- Step 4: To access the supplemental admit card, candidates must enter their “Roll Number” and click on the “Generate Admit Card” option.
- Step 5: A new window with the MP Board 12th supplemental admission card will open.
- Step 6: Print the additional admission card.
Must Read: MP Board Class 5th and 8th 2023 Results Today
MP Board 2023 Class 12th Supplementary Result
The MP Board expects to issue the class 12th supplementary result 2023 in the first week of July 2023. To get the MP board 12th supplementary result 2023 from the official website, candidates must submit their “Roll Number” and “Application Number.”
How to Check the Supplementary Result?
Students can check the MP board 12th supplementary result 2022 online by following the steps outlined below.
- Step 1: To begin, go to the official website at
- Step 2: Follow the link to the MPBSE -HSSC (Class 12th) Supply Exam Results 2023.
- Step 3: Go to the New Webpage and type in your roll number and application number.
- Step 4: Finally, press the submit button.
- Step 5: Your MP Board 12th Supply Result will be shown on a computer screen.
- Step 6: Save and print it for future reference.
Ans. The Madhya Pradesh Education Board will publish the results of all 12th-grade Arts, Commerce, and Science subjects on its official website. Students can examine the outcomes. Those who have obtained supplemental might apply for it via internet channels. Applications will be accepted from May 4th until May 21st.
Ans. 10th/ 12th (Regular/ Private)- Rs. 350/- Per Subject
Higher Secondary Vocational– Rs. 350/- For Two Subjects
Rs. 500/- For Four Subject
Rs. 600/- For More than Four Subjects
MP Online Kiosk Fee- Rs. 25/-
Ans. Yes, supplementary tests are not as demanding as normal board exams.
Keep following Leverage Edu for the latest news and updates around MP Board Results 2023.