9+ Fascinating Facts about Roses, The Timeless Beauty

3 minute read
Facts about Roses

Facts about roses: From friendships to relationships, roses have significance when it comes to everything. Well! Roses have everything you need for any situation, from proposing to making someone smile. As the years have gone by, roses have always been a symbol. Here are some of the most beautiful and fascinating facts about roses for you. 

Facts about Roses

Furthermore, here is what you have been waiting to learn and know about roses! 

  1. The fact about roses is that they are given to your lovers and it is evident in some archaeological finds. In history, archaeologists have found traces of rose fossils. Rose fossils date back to a staggering 35 million years! 
  1. This flower is not only for your lover. You can also eat this flower! Indians have a habit of applying rose water, but do you know that it is also added to jams or jellies? Believe it or not, all rose varieties are edible, and the hips (fruit) of some species are rich in vitamin C!
  1. India was a colony of the English before our Independence, but do you know the national flower of England? Of course! It is roses. 
  1. Some rose bushes can live for over 1000 years, like the one growing in the Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany.
 Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany
 Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany. Source: Amusing Planet. 

  1. Different roses hold different meanings. Red roses symbolise love. Well! This was obvious because people always use it on Valentine’s Day. Pink represents elegance, yellow signifies friendship, and white conveys purity or sympathy.
  1. Furthermore, the rose is also the official national flower of the United States.
  1. Many rose varieties are named after famous people, like Elizabeth Taylor, Barbra Streisand, and even Elvis Presley!
  1. The rose’s delightful aroma comes from microscopic glands located on the underside of their petals. This has been a key ingredient in perfumes for centuries!
  1. Ecuador is a major rose producer, with a whopping 54% of its land dedicated to rose cultivation.
Ecuador rose farms
Ecuador rose farms. Source: trebolroses.com.
  1. Now we come to the end of the facts about roses. The tallest rose bush ever recorded reached an impressive height of 5.6 meters which is 18.8 feet!


What are the special features of roses?

Each colour of the rose has a different meaning. From their fragrance to the shape of each rose, this flower is amazing. 

What is Rose known for?

Prized for their blooms, roses are popular garden and indoor ornamental plants.

What is the special thing about roses?

Not only are roses admired for their beauty, but their intoxicating fragrance has been a key ingredient in perfumes since Greek and Roman times, with centifolia and damask roses being particularly prized.

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These are all the Facts about Roses. Hope you had a good time learning about these interesting facts. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our Interesting Facts and General Knowledge page!

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