Top 12 Interesting Facts About the Quran

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Interesting facts about quran

The Holy Quran, considered the literal word of God revealed to Prophet Mohammad, mixes a series of messages from various prophets sent to Earth by God. Read this blog to learn some more interesting facts about the Holy Quran.

Interesting Facts About the Quran

  1. People say that the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible have the same parallel structure.
  2. There are various other names for the Quran, like Al-Burhaan, Al-Dhikr, Al-Furqaan, Al-Haqq, Al-Huda, Al-Mau`iza, Al-Nur, Al-Rahmah, and Al-Shifa.
  3. Jibril revealed the first verse of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad when he was 40 years old, during the holy month of Ramadan.
  4. Millions of Muslims not only read the Quran word for word but memorize it as well.
  5. Many Muslims study Tajweed to improve their pronunciation of the holy book, the Quran because they intend to recite it.
  6. People have translated the Quran into more than 100 languages.
  7. Prophet Mohammad received revelations over 23 years, starting in 610 CE, and he concluded them in 632 CE.
  8. The Quran acknowledges the existence of the Torah and the Gospel.
  9. The Holy Quran knows everything, past, present, and future.
  10. There are a total of 30 sections of the Quran and 114 surahs in the Quran.
  11. There are various translations of the Quran available, but Muslims consider Arabic as the most authentic form.
  12. Muslims believe memorizing the Quran brings immense spiritual reward. Millions have memorized the entire text.


What is the Quran’s significance in Islam?

Muslims consider the Quran the literal word of God, revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It guides Muslims in faith, practice, and daily life.

In how many languages has the Quran been translated?  

People worldwide have translated the Quran into more than 100 languages to make its teachings accessible to diverse communities.

What is Tajweed, and is it important?

Tajweed is the science of proper Quranic recitation. It helps Muslims improve pronunciation and maintain the integrity of the Quran’s original text.

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