What is the Difference Between Current and Static Electricity: Formulas and Daily Life Examples

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Difference Between Current and Static Electricity

The significant difference between current and static electricity lies in the movement of electric charges. Static electricity is a form of electricity resulting from the imbalance between positive and negative charges within a material that occurs when electrons (Negatively charged particles 

) move from one object to another object. This charge remains stationary until it is discharged through contact with a conductor or another object. On the other hand, current electricity refers to the continuous flow of electric charge through a conductor, powering electrical systems and devices. It is generated through various ways such as chemical processes or electromagnetic induction. It is exemplified by the electricity flowing through wires in-home or circuits in electronic devices. Keep reading to learn more about the difference between Current and Static electricity along with their formulas and real-life implications.

What is Current?

In the context of Electricity, current is the flow of electric charge through a medium. Electric current is measured in Amperes (A), and it represents the rate at which electric charge flows past a certain point in a circuit.

In simple terms, think of electric current as the flow of electrons through a wire or any other conductive material. When a voltage (potential difference) is applied across a conductor, it creates an electric field that moves the electrons. This movement of electrons constitutes an electric current.

There are two types of Electric Current

  •  Direct Current (DC): In DC, the flow of electric charge is in one direction only, and the magnitude of the current remains constant over time. Batteries and solar cells produce direct current.
  • Alternating Current (AC): In AC, the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction. AC is the type of current most commonly used in homes and businesses because it can be easily transformed to different voltage levels for efficient transmission over long distances.

Electric current is fundamental to many aspects of modern technology, powering everything from household appliances to industrial machinery and electronic devices.

What is Static Electricity?

Static electricity refers to the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of an object. Unlike current electricity, which involves the continuous flow of electric charge through a conductor, static electricity occurs when there is an imbalance of electric charges on the surface of an object.

This imbalance of charge is typically generated through friction when two objects rub against each other. During this process, electrons may transfer from one object to another, leading to one object becoming positively charged (losing electrons) and the other becoming negatively charged (gaining electrons).

Common examples of static electricity include the attraction of lightweight objects, such as paper or plastic, to a charged object, or the sensation of receiving a static shock when touching certain surfaces. While static electricity does not involve the continuous flow of charge like current electricity, it plays a significant role in various everyday phenomena and can have practical applications in industries such as manufacturing, printing, and electronics.

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What is the Difference Between Current and Static Electricity?

Here’s a table outlining the main differences between current electricity and static electricity.

ParticularsCurrentStatic Electricity
DefinitionFlow of electric charge through a conductor.
Accumulation of electric charge on the surface of an object.
GenerationCreated by various means, such as chemical reactions or electromagnetic induction.
Generated through friction when two objects rub against each other.
BehaviorThe flow of charge is continuous and typically in one direction. Charges remain stationary until they are discharged.
Movement of ChargesElectrons flow through a conductor.Charges build up on the surface of an object.
ExamplesElectricity flowing through wires in a circuit, powering devices.Static shock when touching a metal doorknob after walking on a carpet. Attraction of lightweight objects to a charged surface.

Current and Static Electricity Formulas

Here are the formulas for current and static electricity formulas:

Current Electricity Formulas

Current electricity revolves around the flow of charges, and several formulas help us understand and calculate its behaviour.

  1. Current (I) is the most fundamental formula and defines current as the rate of flow of electric charge. It’s represented by the symbol I.
I = Q / t


  • I = Current (measured in amperes or Amps)
  • Q = Charge (measured in coulombs)
  • t = Time (measured in seconds)
  1. Resistance (R): Resistance opposes the flow of current in a conductor. 
R = ρl / A


  • R = Resistance (measured in ohms)
  • ρ (rho) = Resistivity of the material (measured in ohm-meters)
  • l = Length of the conductor (measured in meters)
  • A = Cross-sectional area of the conductor (measured in square meters)
  1. Ohm’s Law: This famous law relates voltage, current, and resistance.
V = IR


  • V = Voltage (measured in volts)
  • I = Current (measured in amperes)
  • R = Resistance (measured in ohms)
  1. Power (P): Power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred or consumed.
P = VI


  • P = Power (measured in watts)
  • V = Voltage (measured in volts)
  • I = Current (measured in amperes)

Static Electricity Formula

While there’s not a single defining formula for static electricity, there’s a key equation that describes the force between two charged objects also known as Coulomb’s law.

Coulomb’s Law: This law determines the electrostatic force between two charged particles.

F = k x q1 x q2 / r^2


  • F = Electrostatic force (measured in newtons)
  • k = Coulomb’s constant (approximately 8.99 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2)
  • q1, q2 = Magnitudes of the charges on the two objects (measured in coulombs)
  • r = Distance between the centres of the charges (measured in meters)

This formula helps us understand how the force between two charged objects depends on the amount of charge they hold and the distance between them.

Application of Difference Between Current and Static Electricity in Real-Life

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of current and static electricity, exploring how they work behind the scenes in everything from the devices in your pocket to the clothes in your closet.

  • Current electricity is the workhorse of modern civilization. It delivers power to our homes, businesses, and industries, running everything from lights and appliances to computers and machinery.
  • From life-saving equipment like pacemakers to advanced medical imaging like MRI machines, current electricity plays a vital role in healthcare.
  • Laser printers and photocopiers utilise static electricity to attract toner particles onto paper, creating images and text.
  • Air purifiers often employ static charges to trap dust, pollen, and other airborne particles, improving air quality.

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Why is electricity a current?

In an electrical circuit, the electrons that are farthest from the center of an atom of a certain material must be able to break free and move easily through a wire.

Is electrical power the same as current?

In a circuit, power is the sum of the voltage and the current.

What is an example of static electricity?

When you rub a balloon through your hair.

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This was all about the “Difference between Current and Static Electricity”.  For more such informative blogs, check out our Study Material Section, you can learn more about us by visiting our  Indian exams page.

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